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Revision: 17143
at August 26, 2009 10:14 by krunkosaurus

Updated Code
if ($('ka_playPagePlayer')) {
    $j(window).load(function () {

        $j('#ka_playPagePlayer').html('<span id="ka_playPagePlayer_inner"></span>');

        var flashvars = {
            affiliateSiteId: Ka.Info.AFFILIATESITEID,
            widgetId: Ka.Info.MEDIAWIDGETID,
            mediaType_mediaID: "video_" + Ka.Info.MEDIAID,
            width: Ka.Info.MEDIAWIDTH,
            height: Ka.Info.MEDIAHEIGHT
        var params = {
            menu: "false",
            allowfullscreen: "true",
            allowscriptaccess: "always",
            wmode: "transparent"
        var attributes = {
            id: "kickWidget_1_" + Ka.Info.MEDIAWIDGETID
        var expressInstallURL = "";
        var swfURL = "";
        swfobject.embedSWF(swfURL, "ka_playPagePlayer_inner", "420px", "338px", "9.0.28", expressInstallURL, flashvars, params, attributes);


Revision: 17142
at August 24, 2009 21:12 by krunkosaurus

Initial Code
if ($('ka_playPagePlayer')) {
    $j(function () {

        $j('#ka_playPagePlayer').html('<span id="ka_playPagePlayer_inner"></span>');

        var flashvars = {
            affiliateSiteId: "1",
            widgetId: Ka.Info.MEDIAWIDGETID,
            mediaType_mediaID: "video_" + Ka.Info.MEDIAID,
            width: "420",
            height: "338"
        var params = {
            menu: "false",
            allowfullscreen: "true",
            allowscriptaccess: "always",
            wmode: "transparent"
        var attributes = {
            id: "kickWidget_1_" + Ka.Info.MEDIAWIDGETID
        var expressInstallURL = "";
        var swfURL = "";
        swfobject.embedSWF(swfURL, "ka_playPagePlayer_inner", "420px", "338px", "9.0.28", expressInstallURL, flashvars, params, attributes);


Initial URL

Initial Description
Wrap in script tags and place at the bottom of your AC.

Initial Title
KickApps: rewrite media play page flash wmode

Initial Tags

Initial Language