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Revision: 26008
at July 4, 2010 12:34 by karlhorky

Updated Code
:: mirrorp.bat
:: Mirror contents of one directory to another with prompt using Robocopy
:: Usage examples:
:: mirrorp C:\source \\server\share\destination
:: mirrorp D:\mydirectory "C:\directory name with spaces"
:: Author: Karl Horky
:: Date: 15 April 2010
:: Updated: 03 July 2010 (added /IS /IT /COPYALL to get NTFS permissions and date time tweaks - Thanks Chris)

@echo off

if ""%1"" == """" ( goto :error ) 
if ""%2"" == """" ( goto :error )

SET _source=%1
SET _dest=%2

robocopy %_source% %_dest% /MIR /IS /IT /COPYALL /L
set /p ans=Run mirror? [y/n]^>
if "%ans%" == "y" ( goto :copytotest ) else ( goto :donothing )
echo Copying...
robocopy %_source% %_dest% /MIR /IS /IT /COPYALL /NJS /NJH
goto :eof
echo No action taken.
goto :eof
echo Incorrect command usage.
echo Usage: mirrorp C:\source \\server\share\destination

Revision: 26007
at April 15, 2010 17:35 by karlhorky

Initial Code
:: mirrorp.bat
:: Mirror contents of one directory to another with prompt using Robocopy
:: Usage examples:
:: mirrorp C:\source \\server\share\destination
:: mirrorp D:\mydirectory "C:\directory name with spaces"
:: Author: Karl Horky
:: Date: 15 April 2010

@echo off

if ""%1"" == """" ( goto :error ) 
if ""%2"" == """" ( goto :error )

SET _source=%1
SET _dest=%2

robocopy %_source% %_dest% /MIR /L
set /p ans=Run mirror? [y/n]^>
if "%ans%" == "y" ( goto :copytotest ) else ( goto :donothing )
echo Copying...
robocopy %_source% %_dest% /MIR /NJS /NJH
goto :eof
echo No action taken.
goto :eof
echo Incorrect command usage.
echo Usage: mirrorp C:\source \\server\share\destination

Initial URL

Initial Description
This batch mirrors the contents of one directory to another using Robocopy. It will display a list of what is being mirrored before prompting the user for confirmation on the mirror.

WARNING: Robocopy's /MIR switch that is used in this batch WILL remove any destination objects not present in the source directory

Initial Title
DOS Batch: Mirror Contents of One Directory to Another with Prompt using Robocopy

Initial Tags

Initial Language
DOS Batch