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Revision: 37386
at December 9, 2010 08:05 by Onfire60

Initial Code
/*Step 1 replace menu-% with your menu name*/

FROM `menu_links`
WHERE menu_name LIKE 'menu-%'
AND module <> 'menu'; 

/*Step 2 - replace mlid number with number of your item*/

UPDATE menu_links set module = 'menu' WHERE mlid LIKE '4078';

Initial URL

Initial Description
Used the first sql statement to find your menu item. (Replace menu-% with the name of your menu eg. "primary-links" .

Then using the menu item id fix the items you want to regain the good old delete button on the menu item.

Initial Title
Drupal 6 - Fix Menu links you can\'t delete by reseting them to delete via SQL

Initial Tags
sql, links, drupal

Initial Language