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Revision: 45137
at April 25, 2011 19:43 by donkeykong

Initial Code
This is a very basic example of how to change the sort order of an array.
This information would normally be sent back to a database table. 
$arr[27]['id']      = 27;
$arr[27]['order']   = 1;
$arr[27]['name']    = 'about';

$arr[38]['id']      = 38;
$arr[38]['order']   = 2;
$arr[38]['name']    = 'contact';

$arr[52]['id']      = 52;
$arr[52]['order']   = 3;
$arr[52]['name']    = 'FAQ';

$arr[44]['id']      = 44;
$arr[44]['order']   = 4;
$arr[44]['name']    = 'Services';	

$arr[45]['id']      = 45;
$arr[45]['order']   = 5;
$arr[45]['name']    = 'Sitemap';			

echo 'original '.'<br />';
foreach($arr as $item)
    echo 'Order: '.$item['order'].' '.$item['name'].'<br />';

$id             = 44;
$int_new_order  = 1;
$int_current_order = 4;

if( $int_new_order > $arr[$id]['order'] )
    //echo 'move higher in number';
    foreach($arr as $k=>$v)
        if( $v['order'] > $int_current_order AND  $v['order'] <= $int_new_order)
            $arr[$k]['order'] = $v['order']-1;
    //echo 'move lower in number';
    foreach($arr as $k=>$v)
        if( $v['order'] < $int_current_order AND  $v['order'] >= $int_new_order)
            $arr[$k]['order'] = $v['order']+1;

$arr[$id]['order'] = $int_new_order;

echo '<br />';

echo 'final '.'<br />';
foreach($arr as $item)
    echo 'Order: '.$item['order'].' '.$item['name'].'<br />';

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
sample php display order (sorting)  for an array

Initial Tags

Initial Language