
Member since 11/22/2010

Name: Phillip Gooch

Location: Seattle, WA

Website: www.fatfolderdesign.com

Website Programmer/Designer working on PHP/JavaScript. I also have a little blog where I talk about what web-things I\'ve programmed that week, and dislike typing bios.

Also, The languages feature of the profile page does not work in chrome as of version 13.0.782.112, I could fix that, and theres an escaping slash problem in the bio field, I could fix that too.

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FatFolderDesigner's Recent SnippetsTagged simple

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With this file you can load stylesheets and minify the code while changing colors. The stylesheets are loaded using file_get_contents and you can attach them one after another if you have multiple sheets. The colors are replaces based on a variable t...
0 898 posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
Just a short little script that takes a mysql query and turns it into a csv file that downloads automatically. If your interested in the details you can hit up the link.
0 982 posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
Traditionally when you have lost lists of dat you want to alternate rows for usability. The first thing everybody makes to fix this is a simple if statement loop, but this adds a number of lines and is hardly a clean solution. Additionally it require...
0 880 posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
This function will insert items into an orders alphabetically (assuming it's already alphabetical). Initially design to make a smooth single page load/save feature that sotred everything in drop down lists, you guessed it, alphabetically. Can simply...
0 941 posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
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