
Member since 08/02/2009

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This is useful when you need to add logic to static html page.
0 709 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
Use to debug javascript in all browsers.
0 732 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
Apply an inline-block to all browsers, including IE6 and IE7.
0 763 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
Example of how to send a subscribe_user request using Notifo's api. Notifo lets you setup push notifications to mobiles - for any site. Put the PHP into a separate file named notifo-proxy.php
0 1011 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
I was recently faced with the problem of setting focus to the next input field. The challenge was that I didn’t know what that field was. So given an input field, find the next logical (in the order of the DOM) input field and set focus. I came up...
1 1188 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
Create two new bookmarks - one for dev, one for live and add the following corresponding code to each.
1 903 posted 15 years ago by Meander365
A wrapper may be made to enclose the content of a page, and then you can write descendant CSS rules that mention that wrapper's ID or class name in the selector. But what if only IE thought that wrapper existed? Then those rules would only work for I...
4 873 posted 15 years ago by Meander365
Think this is a good one to remember. Let's say you have a set of list items and all of them have a border of 1px. Inside you have an image. When you hover over each list item you want the border to change thickness to 2px. The trick is to...
1 886 posted 15 years ago by Meander365
If you want to trigger an event on an matched element and that element may be introduced into the DOM from an Ajax request, you can still match against it by using the livequery plugin and the following code.
1 730 posted 15 years ago by Meander365
Create a custom 404 handler page which redirects you to the correct page.
1 721 posted 15 years ago by Meander365
1 996 posted 15 years ago by Meander365
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