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Check if user has intruded a real email address. Return true (real email) or false (fake email).
Arguments: Element from a form.
From book Dom Scripting by Jeremy Keith
posted 13 years ago by alberomo
Arguments: Element from a form.
Take that element and checks if is filled. If not, returns false. If is filled, returns true.
From book Dom Scripting by Jeremy Keith
posted 13 years ago by alberomo
A JS function that put the focus in the form field associated to a label element whenever is clicked. The for atributte of the label element must match the id attribute of the associated form field.
It takes no arguments.
From book Dom Scripting by...
posted 13 years ago by alberomo
JS Function that style sibling elements of a given tag. Arguments: tag of the element We want siblings to style and name of the class we want to add. It needs the class to be styled (using CSS). It uses getNextElement function and addClass functions....
posted 13 years ago by alberomo
A JS function that makes bold the text of table rows ("tr" elements) when you "mouseover" them. It takes no arguments.
From book Dom Scripting by Jeremy Keith.
posted 13 years ago by alberomo
A JS function that stripes the tables ("table" elements) of a document. It takes no arguments. Add a new class ("odd") to the odd rows that needs to be styled using CSS. Use addClass function.
From book Dom Scripting by Jeremy Keith.
posted 13 years ago by alberomo
A JS function that returns the next element of a node. Argument: The node you want to know next element.
From book Dom Scripting by Jeremy Keith.
posted 13 years ago by alberomo
JS function that takes the accesskey attribute of the links of the document and display them at the end of the document. Takes no arguments.
From book Dom Scripting by Jeremy Keith.
posted 13 years ago by alberomo
JS function that add a link included in the cite attribute of the blackquote HTML element as sup element close to the blackquote. Takes no argument.
From book Dom Scripting by Jeremy Keith.
posted 13 years ago by alberomo
Description: A function that add a class to an element if the element doesn't have anyone, if it already has one, add a new class name.
Arguments: The elemento to which you want to add the class and the name of the class you want to add.
From boo...
posted 13 years ago by alberomo