
Member since 09/10/2010

Name: Alvin Negron

Location: Puerto Rico


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alozuldo's Recent SnippetsTagged css

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1 651 posted 13 years ago by alozuldo
If you would like to use relative units (em) for your font sizes, declaring 62.5% for the font-size property of the body will make it easier to convert px to em. By doing it this way, converting to em is a matter of dividing the px value by 10 (e.g....
3 891 posted 13 years ago by alozuldo
For progressive enhancement, you could use the transform property that is supported by many browsers that have CSS3 support. Here’s a trick for enlarging a elements on hover by 110%.
1 731 posted 13 years ago by alozuldo
The code below will change the background-color of divs depending on what browser the user is viewing the web page under. Since * cascades down to IE7 and below, we use _ after that declaration so that IE6 (and below) has a different background color...
1 813 posted 13 years ago by alozuldo
1 888 posted 13 years ago by alozuldo
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