
Member since 10/01/2010

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f6design's Recent SnippetsTagged wordpress

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Remove meta boxes from the Wordpress admin area. Useful for simplifying Wordpress' admin interface for your clients. Add this snippet to your Wordpress theme's functions.php file.
0 901 posted 12 years ago by f6design
Create a comma separated list of a post's custom taxonomy terms.
0 1786 posted 12 years ago by f6design
When adding a meta box to a 'page' in Wordpress (as opposed to a post, or custom post type), you might want to disable the default editor. Use this snippet in your theme's functions.php file to disable the editor for a specific page template.
3 1496 posted 13 years ago by f6design
This is an example of omitting the width and height attributes from a thumbnail img tag in Wordpress. Useful if you are working on a responsive design. Use inside The Loop.
0 836 posted 13 years ago by f6design
Use WP_Query to query a custom taxonomy, using the tax_query parameter.
1 909 posted 13 years ago by f6design
In Wordpress if you are using a custom taxonomy you can get its details (id, slug, etc) using this snippet.
0 916 posted 13 years ago by f6design
Add this snippet to your Wordpress theme's functions.php file to reject any image uploads that are below the specified dimensions.
2 1077 posted 13 years ago by f6design
This snippet adds support for post thumbnails (a.k.a. 'featured images') to a Wordpress theme. It also adds an additional image size for image thumbnails, hard cropped. This second step is optional. Add this snippet to your WP theme's functions.ph...
1 988 posted 13 years ago by f6design
Add the following to your Wordpress theme's functions.php file. The jQuery paths/URLs might need to be changed to suite your circumstances.
0 1350 posted 13 years ago by f6design
Simplify the Wordpress admin area for clients by hiding menu items. Add this snippet to your Wordpress theme's functions.php file.
0 1028 posted 13 years ago by f6design
If you are creating a custom post type in Wordpress, and turn off the 'editor' capability, then TinyMCE is not loaded. This means any WYSIWYG meta box textareas will fail. Add this snippet to your theme's functions.php file to load the required TinyM...
0 863 posted 13 years ago by f6design
Add this to your Wordpress theme's functions.php file. It allows you to move the 'featured image' upload/select box from the admin sidebar to another position on the page, to give it more prominence.
0 999 posted 13 years ago by f6design
This snippet will stop people from snooping in your Apache directories. This is useful if you have directories containing files, but no index HTML/PHP document.
1 954 posted 13 years ago by f6design
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