
Member since 10/04/2015

Name: Wow Gold


It instansirovannye zone (similar wow gold 5ppl dungeons and raids), where fights between the players tested with a purpose. For example, in Warsong Gulch is necessary to capture the enemy flag and take it to their base and do not give a grab. In Arathi Basin warring parties fighting for the key points on the map to ensure the extraction of resources. On the battlefield, you can get there, starting from level 10. It\'s enough to use a bookmark PvP (picture board) and choose the battlefield.\r\n\r\nBattlegrounds are instanced cross server, so you can meet them, wow gold the players from different realms. Depending on the faction you will get on the battlefield for a few minutes -this Alliance faster Horde will have to wait longer. For the successful execution of the job of the battlefield and the killing of another faction of players you get special PvP-currency - \"honor points\". The currency you can buy PvP-items, armor and weapons, which is designed for PvP-battles. Just as is the case with PvE during PvP has a currency and a higher level - \"Conquest Points.\" They make mostly in the arenas, but for the daily passage of the random field wow gold of battle you get including gains of 25 points.

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