
Member since 06/19/2009

Name: Jason


Location: Grand Rapids, MI


Front end developer. Cubicle Jockey. CssNinjaRockstarPirateViking.

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vagrantradio's Recent SnippetsTagged jquery

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Courtesy Brian Cray.
4 902 posted 13 years ago by vagrantradio
Finds word "AGM" and replace with acronym or abbr title.
2 762 posted 14 years ago by vagrantradio
include jQuery, jQuery ui and jQuery cookie plugin. Simple.
0 974 posted 14 years ago by vagrantradio
Make IE6 do tricks with jQuery
0 739 posted 14 years ago by vagrantradio
finds a specific attribute in an iFrame and loads it to another div on page.
1 887 posted 14 years ago by vagrantradio
Will fade in and fade out on hover of element
0 669 posted 14 years ago by vagrantradio
1 749 posted 14 years ago by vagrantradio
Add target blank or rel external to outgoing links automatically.
3 872 posted 14 years ago by vagrantradio
Useful random jQuery snippets.
0 442 posted 14 years ago by vagrantradio
Any link with a hash (#) will scroll to that id on the page. Hat Tip, Karl Swedberg.
1 750 posted 14 years ago by vagrantradio
0 692 posted 14 years ago by vagrantradio
Quick and dirty lowercase / uppercase conversion.
2 975 posted 14 years ago by vagrantradio
jQuery Ajax function to load xml data into a table and add class to even rows for striping.
1 1396 posted 14 years ago by vagrantradio
grabs image alt or src and appends it to a title
1 713 posted 14 years ago by vagrantradio
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