
Member since 08/20/2011

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Use like this: [self showConfirmation:@"May we send you information and offers by Email?" withMessage:@"1 email per week maximum"];
1 794 posted 12 years ago by yasirmturk
Use like this: [self docsUrl]
1 715 posted 12 years ago by yasirmturk
Use like this: [[self docsPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"photo.png"]
1 741 posted 12 years ago by yasirmturk
Add MessageUI.framework reference then in header file #import <MessageUI/MessageUI.h> #import <MessageUI/MFMailComposeViewController.h> #import <MessageUI/MFMessageComposeViewController.h>
1 764 posted 12 years ago by yasirmturk
Add this code to the controller Set controller as the delegate of the all the UITextField s in the UIView
1 1293 posted 12 years ago by yasirmturk
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