To check whether a field is numeric by using JavaScript

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This snippet contains a text input field called 'abc' and we calling the checkNum function as the onclick action of a button 'btn'

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. function checkNum(){
  3. var inputBox = document.getElementById('abc');
  4. if(inputBox.value.length!='0'){
  5. var j=0;
  6. var run = false;
  7. for(j=0; j<inputBox.value.length; j++){
  8. var char=inputBox.value.charAt(j);
  10. if(inputBox.value.charAt(j)>='0' && inputBox.value.charAt(j)<='9'){
  11. run = true;
  12. }
  13. else{
  14. run = false;
  15. alert("Q# can only be a numeric value");
  16. document.getElementById('abc').focus();
  17. document.getElementById('abc').value="";
  18. break;
  19. }
  20. }
  21. if(run){
  23. alert("The field has been successfully validated!");
  24. }
  27. }
  28. else if(inputBox.value.length == '0'){
  29. alert("Please enter a Q#");
  30. document.getElementById('abc').focus();
  31. }
  32. }

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