/ Published in: Bash

This script allows you to monitor a list of applications each running on servers in different environments. For example, these can be webservers: apache/nginx/etc., application servers: tomcat/nodejs/IIS/etc., database servers: mysql/oracle/etc., or anything else that listens on a port.
1) Edit the key/value pairs in the arrays: ENV_LIST, PORT_LIST, SERVERS, APPS with the data for your own applications
2) Run: ./scriptname.sh
This script does require "nc" to be installed.
This works both on linux and cygwin.
1) Edit the key/value pairs in the arrays: ENV_LIST, PORT_LIST, SERVERS, APPS with the data for your own applications
2) Run: ./scriptname.sh
This script does require "nc" to be installed.
This works both on linux and cygwin.
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#!/bin/bash declare -A SERVERS declare -A APPS # Dumb trick to retain order in an associate array ENV_LIST=(Dev Test Stage1 Stage2 Prod1 Prod2) PORT_LIST=(3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005) # Server list SERVERS=( ["Dev"]="dev_hostname" ["Test"]="test_hostname" ["Stage1"]="stage1_hostname" ["Stage2"]="stage2_hostname" ["Prod1"]="prod1_hostname" ["Prod2"]="prod2_hostname" ) # App list APPS=( [3000]="App Name 1" [3001]="App Name 2" [3002]="App Name 3" [3003]="App Name 4" [3004]="App Name 5" [3005]="App Name 6" ) echo echo "####" echo "#### Checking application servers..." echo "####" for ENVIRONMENT in ${ENV_LIST[@]}; do echo echo "$ENVIRONMENT (${SERVERS[$ENVIRONMENT]})" echo --------------------- for PORT in ${PORT_LIST[@]}; do RSLT=$(nc -w4 -vz ${SERVERS[$ENVIRONMENT]} $PORT 2>&1) if [ $? = 0 ]; then printf "%-25s %s\n" "${APPS[$PORT]}" " on $PORT is UP" else echo "$RSLT" fi done done