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var SlideShow = Class.create({ initialize: function(container, images){ this.container = $(container); if( !this.container ){ throw "SlideShow: Invalid container element"; return null; } this.images = []; images.each(function(e, i){ this.images.push({ info: e, element: null }); }, this); this.options = Object.extend({ template: '<div id="#{id}" class="SlideShowItem" style="display: none; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;">' + '<img alt="#{caption}" src="#{src}" />' + '<div class="image_caption">#{caption}</div>' + '</div>', swap: function(container, current, swap, scope){ if( current ){ new Effect.Parallel([ new Effect.Fade(current, { sync: true }), new Effect.Appear(swap, { sync: true }) ], {queue: {position: 'end', scope: scope}}); }else{ new Effect.Appear(swap, {queue: {position: 'end', scope: scope}}); } }, active_class: 'active' }, arguments[2] || {}); this.options.template = new Template(this.options.template); /* wire up all the elements */ this.id = this.container.identify(); var gotos = $$('[class*=' + this.id + '_goto_]'); this.gotos = $H(); gotos.each(function(g){ var re = new RegExp(this.id + '_goto_([0-9]+)'); var matches = re.exec(g.className); if( matches ){ var m = parseInt(matches[1]); g.observe('click', this.gotoIndex.bindAsEventListener(this, m)); this.gotos.set( m, (this.gotos.get(m) || []).concat([g]) ); } }, this); this.prev_elements = $$('.' + this.id + '_action_previous'); this.next_elements = $$('.' + this.id + '_action_next'); this.prev_elements.invoke('observe', 'click', this.previous.bindAsEventListener(this)); this.next_elements.invoke('observe', 'click', this.next.bindAsEventListener(this)); this.loaders = $$('.' + this.id + '_loading'); this.current_index = null; this.to_animate = null; this.gotoIndex(0); }, gotoIndex: function(){ var index = null; if( arguments.length == 2){ try{ arguments[0].stop(); }catch(e){} index = arguments[1]; }else{ index = arguments[0]; } index = this._getIndex(index); var add = this.to_animate!=null?this.gotos.get(this.to_animate):null; if( this.current_index != null ){ add.concat(this.gotos.get(this.current_index)||[]); } this.to_animate = index; var remove = this.gotos.get(index); if( add ) add.invoke('removeClassName', this.options.active_class); if( remove ) remove.invoke('addClassName', this.options.active_class); if( !this.images[index].loaded){ if (!this.images[index].loading) { this.doLoad(index); } }else{ this.doIt(index); } }, next: function(){ var args = this._assembleArguments(arguments, [this.to_animate + 1]); this.gotoIndex.apply(this, args); }, previous: function(){ var args = this._assembleArguments(arguments, [this.to_animate - 1]); this.gotoIndex.apply(this, args); }, _assembleArguments: function(){ return $A(arguments[0]||[]).concat(arguments[1]||[]); }, doLoad: function(index){ this.images[index].loading = true; this._toggleLoading(true); this.images[index].info.id = 'image' + index; this.container.insert(this.options.template.evaluate(this.images[index].info)); this._processElement.bind(this).defer(index); }, doIt: function(index){ this.images[index].loading = false; this.images[index].loaded = true; this._toggleLoading(false); if( index == this.to_animate && index != this.current_index ){ var current_element = this.current_index!=null?this.images[this.current_index].element:null; var new_element = this.images[index].element; var dir = this.current_index==null||index>this.current_index?1:-1; this.current_index = index; this.options.swap(this.container, current_element, new_element, dir, this.id); } }, _processElement: function(index){ var elm = $(this.images[index].info.id); this.images[index].element = elm; if( !this.images[index].element ){ throw "SlideShow: image element was not properly created"; } var i = new Image(); i.onload = this.doIt.bind(this, index); i.src = this.images[index].info.src; }, _getIndex: function(index){ if( index > this.images.length - 1){ return 0; }else if( index < 0 ){ return this.images.length - 1; }else{ return index; } }, _toggleLoading: function(s){ this.loaders.invoke((s?'show':'hide')); } });