/ Published in: jQuery
Originally from Webdesignerwall (see src)
Hover thumbnails of images and see the big holder image being swapped.
Hover thumbnails of images and see the big holder image being swapped.
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//http://www.webdesignerwall.com/tutorials/jquery-tutorials-for-designers/ $().ready(function() { $(".thumbs a").hover(function(){ var normalPath = $(this).attr("href"); //link on thumb var normalAlt = $(this).attr("title"); //alt on thumb $("#normalImg").attr({ src: normalPath, alt: normalAlt });//swap src of the normal sized image with url from href of the thumbnail $("#normalImg").parent().attr({ href: normalPath, alt: normalAlt });////swap href of the normal sized image with url from href of the thumbnail }); }); --- <div class="holder"> <a href="../images/photos/batisse-01.jpg"><img id="normalImg" src="../images/photos/batisse-01.jpg" alt="photo batiment" /></a> </div> <ul class="thumbs"> <li><a href="../images/photos/batisse-01.jpg"> <img src="../images/photos/batisse-01_thumb.jpg" alt="thumb" /> </a></li> <li><a href="../images/photos/batisse-02.jpg"> <img src="../images/photos/batisse-02_thumb.jpg" alt="thumb" /> </a></li> <li><a href="../images/photos/batisse-03.jpg"> <img src="../images/photos/batisse-03_thumb.jpg" alt="thumb" /> </a></li> </ul>
URL: http://www.webdesignerwall.com/tutorials/jquery-tutorials-for-designers/