/ Published in: Ruby

Ruby provides a platform independent way of displaying file paths. Here are a few common ways to show absolute and relative paths.
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#Platform independant way of showing a File path. Empty String ('') means the root puts File.join('', 'Users', 'chrisaiv', 'Desktop') #Provide the RELATIVE path of THIS file puts __FILE__ #Provide an ABSOLUTE path puts File.expand_path(__FILE__) #Provide the RELATIVE directory where this path is located puts File.dirname(__FILE__) #"Moves Up" one directory and enter another folder puts File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'NML' ) #Tell Ruby all the folders as to where to look for us. In this case, look within the /lib APP_ROOT = File.dirname(__FILE__) $:.unshift( File.join( APP_ROOT, 'lib') )