
Member since 01/16/2007

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Location: Los Angeles


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chrisaiv's Recent SnippetsTagged ruby

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Simple test showing how to make a request to Spotify's API.
2 972 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
The Blackberry AppWorld portal allows you to schedule reports which are delivered as files. Although the CSV file offers a lot of detail about operating system and date of download, most of the time I just want to know which users downloaded...
0 834 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
If you need to do any sort of screen capturing using FFMPEG, you might need this one day
0 844 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
Easy way to populate a drop-down menu
3 856 posted 14 years ago by chrisaiv
Don't forget to use require 'directory/name_of_class'
0 1253 posted 14 years ago by chrisaiv
Ruby provides a platform independent way of displaying file paths. Here are a few common ways to show absolute and relative paths.
0 741 posted 14 years ago by chrisaiv
This shows how we can find objects inside code blocks (aka data sets).
0 1051 posted 14 years ago by chrisaiv
I needed a quick way to unescape a URL Encoded string. I found 2 chill ways
2 679 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
1 673 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
2 719 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
1 890 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
3 1269 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
3 1145 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
1 1114 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
There are many functions available for Time, Month, Day, and Year. Below are a few examples I use frequently
1 871 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
Download the Credit Card Library from Lucas Carlson user$ sudo gem install creditcard
6 977 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
First things First you need to install this ruby gem user$ sudo gem install ezcrypto
2 722 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
Before you save a password to a database, it may make sense to encrypt it. That way when you do some user authentication, you can compare the users submitted password to the one on the database.
1 895 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
2 1014 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
1 526 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
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