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options nosource; %macro RecsInDS(table,macvar); %global &macvar; %local handle rc; %let handle = %sysfunc(open(&table)); /* Open the table with open() function*/ %if &handle %then %do; %let &macvar = %sysfunc(attrn(&handle, nlobs)); /* get the observation count into the macvar macro variable using the function attrn() with nlobs as the option*/ %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&handle)); /* close the dataset with the close() function */ %end; %PUT RecsInDS &table: &&&macvar. &macvar=&&&macvar.; /* write the Record count to the Log */ %mend RecsInDS; /*Now Call the Macro...*/ %RecsInDS(sashelp.air,obs);
URL: http://sastechies.blogspot.com/2009/11/ways-to-count-number-of-obs-in-dataset.html