/ Published in: ActionScript 3

This is the most simple example of a ComboBox created in AS3, based mostly on Adobe's example from http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ActionScript/3.0_UsingComponentsAS3/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118a9c65b32-7fa9.html
Inside the zip file you will find two folders. The first is this example with a ComboBox dragged onto the stage of the FLA with a supporting .AS file to populate it and make it work. The second example shows a ComboBox created and populated entirely by actionscript.
Inside the zip file you will find two folders. The first is this example with a ComboBox dragged onto the stage of the FLA with a supporting .AS file to populate it and make it work. The second example shows a ComboBox created and populated entirely by actionscript.
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package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.events.Event; import fl.events.ComponentEvent; import fl.controls.ComboBox; import fl.data.DataProvider; public class AS3_combobox2 extends MovieClip { var comboData:Array = new Array( {label:"Choice One", data:"one"}, {label:"Choice Two", data:"two"} ); var combobox_cb:ComboBox = new ComboBox(); public function AS3_combobox2() { combobox_cb.dropdownWidth = 210; combobox_cb.width = 200; combobox_cb.move(150, 50); combobox_cb.prompt = "Make a Choice"; combobox_cb.dataProvider = new DataProvider(comboData); combobox_cb.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, changeHandler); addChild(combobox_cb); } public function changeHandler(event:Event):void { // do something based on the selected item's value switch(combobox_cb.selectedItem.data) { case "one": trace("One was chosen!"); break; case "two": trace("Two was chosen!"); break; } } } }
URL: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/316550/code-AS3_combobox.zip