/ Published in: JavaScript

How to pass a parameter into a method from an onClick method found in the render method.
Majority of the times when you need to do this, your adding it through a loop. In this case, call a function where the item in the loop will automatically be passed into the function. This will prevent the component from re-rendering every-time it's parent changes and none of it's props or state changed.
** DO NOT DO **
Adding the code below marked with DON'T DO, will cause this component to re-render every-time it's parent changes, regardless of whether this components state or props changed.
Majority of the times when you need to do this, your adding it through a loop. In this case, call a function where the item in the loop will automatically be passed into the function. This will prevent the component from re-rendering every-time it's parent changes and none of it's props or state changed.
** DO NOT DO **
Adding the code below marked with DON'T DO, will cause this component to re-render every-time it's parent changes, regardless of whether this components state or props changed.
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
renderUser = user => { return <User key={user.id} user={user} onClick={this.deleteUser} />; } render() { return ( <div> <h1>Users</h1> <ul> {this.state.users.map(this.renderUser)} </ul> </div> ); } // DON'T DO return ( <th value={column} onClick={() => this.handleSort(column)}>{column}</th> );