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Read data from TXT files to import them in Excel environment
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Sub ImportFromText(x As Integer, y As Integer, filename As String) Dim base As String Dim WS As Worksheet Dim WB As Workbook Set WB = ThisWorkbook Set WS = WB.Worksheets("Results") base = ThisWorkbook.PATH file_path = base & "\output\" & filename Open file_path For Input As #1 r = x Do Until EOF(1) Line Input #1, Data v = Split(Data, vbTab) For i = 0 To 3 Step 1 If r = x Then WS.Range("AA2").Offset(r, y + i) = v(i) Else WS.Range("AA2").Offset(r, y + i) = Round(CDbl(v(i)), 5) End If Next i r = r + 1 Loop Close #1 End Sub Sub import_modified_files() Call ImportFromText(0, 0, "Stream number 1 - stream function 0,0000.txt") Call ImportFromText(0, 4, "Stream number 2 - stream function 0,2500.txt") Call ImportFromText(0, 8, "Stream number 3 - stream function 0,5000.txt") Call ImportFromText(0, 12, "Stream number 4 - stream function 0,7500.txt") Call ImportFromText(0, 16, "Stream number 5 - stream function 1,0000.txt") End Sub