/ Published in: JavaScript
Creates a notification message for AJAX requests.
Dependencies: prototype.js, script.aculo.us.
CSS-Styles: http://snipplr.com/view/348/loadingmessage-for-ajax-requests-css/
Dependencies: prototype.js, script.aculo.us.
CSS-Styles: http://snipplr.com/view/348/loadingmessage-for-ajax-requests-css/
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// ## LoadingMessage // ## Version: 0.6 // ## Author: Tim Isenheim - http://blog.freshlabs.de var LoadingMessage = { imageURL : 'ajax-loader.gif', waitImg : null, containerId : "loading-message", loadTextId : "loading-text", waitImgId : "loading-image", waitImgWidth : 16, waitImgHeight : 16, init : function(){ this.waitImg = document.createElement('img'); this.waitImg.setAttribute('src', this.imageURL); this.waitImg.setAttribute('height', this.waitImgHeight); this.waitImg.setAttribute('width', this.waitImgWidth); this.waitImg.setAttribute('alt','loading...'); this.waitImg.id = this.waitImgId; this.waitImg.style.border = '0'; this.waitImg.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent'; this.waitImg.style.margin = '0'; this.waitImg.style.padding = '0'; }, append : function(where){ var parent = $(where); var loadbox; if(!$(this.containerId)){ loadbox = document.createElement('div'); var loadtext = document.createElement('div') loadbox.id = this.containerId; loadtext.id = this.loadTextId; txt = document.createTextNode(" loading"); loadtext.appendChild(this.waitImg); loadtext.appendChild(txt); loadbox.appendChild(loadtext); } else loadbox = $(this.containerId); loadbox.style.display = "none"; new Effect.Appear(loadbox, { to: 0.7, queue: 'end' }); parent.appendChild(loadbox); }, remove : function(){ new Effect.Fade(this.containerId, {duration: 0.25, queue: 'end' }); } } // ### .LoadingMessage // Attaching the init function to the window.onload event Event.observe(window,'load', function(){ LoadingMessage.init(); });