Query the database PHP

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To use:
$update_sql = querys($sql);
$select_sql = getresult($sql);

Used simplify selecting rows from a database. You'll need to pass in the SQL statement.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. /*FUNCTION: querys
  2.  *PURPOSE: querys the database
  3.  *RETURNS: $rs - result set
  4.  */
  5. function querys($sql){
  6. $rs=mysql_query($sql);
  7. return $rs;
  8. }
  9. /*FUNCTION: get result
  10.  *PURPOSE: querys the database, adds to assicoative array
  11.  *REUTRNS: $data - assocative array
  12.  */
  13. function getresult($sql){
  14. $rs=mysql_query($sql);
  15. $data=@mysql_fetch_array($rs);
  16. return $data;
  17. }

URL: linkdeo.net

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