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' create the list of tables and queries using the Database Object and its QueryDef and TableDef collections
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' create the list of tables and queries using the Database Object and its QueryDef and TableDef collections 'http://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-create-a-list-of-tables-or-queries-from-access/5047664 Public Sub GetMyObjectsList() Open "c:\Tables and Queries.txt" For Output As #1 Dim db As Database Dim Qry As QueryDef Dim QryNames As String Dim QryCount As Integer Dim Tbl As TableDef Dim TblNames As String Dim TblCount As Integer Set db = CurrentDb QryCount = 0 TblCount = 0 For Each Qry In db.QueryDefs QryNames = QryNames & Qry.Name & ", " QryCount = QryCount + 1 Print #1, charpos; Qry.Name Next For Each Tbl In db.TableDefs If Tbl.Attributes = 0 Then 'Ignores System Tables TblNames = TblNames & Tbl.Name & ", " TblCount = TblCount + 1 Print #1, charpos; Tbl.Name End If Next QryNames = QryNames & "TOTAL Query Count: " & QryCount TblNames = TblNames & "TOTAL Table Count: " & TblCount ' MsgBox QryNames ' MsgBox TblNames db.Close Set db = Nothing Close #1 End Sub