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%macro ftpfile(localfile,localdir,remotefile,remotedir,remotehost,ftpcommand); options comamid=tcp nosymbolgen; filename sasparm "!mysasfiles\sasparm"; /*location of a file containing the username and password for access */ %global rmtuser rmtpw rc; /* read in the username and password and create macrovars rmtuser rmtpw*/ data _null_; length rmtuser rmtpw $30.; infile sasparm; input rmtuser $ rmtpw $ ; call symput('rmtuser',trim(rmtuser)); call symput('rmtpw',trim(rmtpw)); run; /* Set a filename FTP statement to remote file */ filename rmfile ftp "&remotefile" cd="&remotedir." host="&remotehost." user="&rmtuser." pass="&rmtpw."; %if &ftpcommand = get %then /*i.e. download remotefile to the Local file */ %do; /* Check if the file exists */ %let rc=%sysfunc(fexist(rmfile)); %*****If unable to establish a filename, send error stop; %if (&rc eq 0)%then %do; %put ******Unable to establish FTP connection to file--&rc.; %put ******Problem with input file: &remotefile.; %let rc= -1; %end; %else %do; %put ******Establish FTP connection to file--&remotefile; data _null_; infile rmfile; file "&localdir./&localfile."; input; put _infile_; run; %let filrf=lclfile; %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(filrf,"&localdir./&localfile.")); %end; %end; %else %if &ftpcommand = put %then %do; /* Check if the file exists */ %let filrf=lclfile; %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(filrf,"&localdir./&localfile.")); %if &rc ne 0 %then %do; %put %sysfunc(sysmsg()); %end; %else %do; data _null_; infile "&localdir./&localfile."; file rmfile; input; put _infile_; run; /* Check if the file exists */ %let rc=%sysfunc(fexist(rmfile)); %end; %end; %put ftp returncode:&rc; /* Abort the job with rc=16 for batch processes... Remove this line if you are using it in interactive sas..else your session will be ended */ %if &rc ne 0 %then %abort return 16; %mend ftpfile; /* FTP test.sas from desktop to test1.sas on unix server */ %ftpfile(test.sas,C:\,test1.sas,/data/dev/sastechies/sas,server,put); /* FTP test1.sas from Server to test1.sas on Desktop */ %ftpfile(test1.sas,C:\,test1.sas,/data/dev/sastechies/sas,server,get);