Twitter feed on Python using YQL and BeautifulSoup

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Uses YQL's Rest query (select * from twitter.user.timeline where id='vetri02')

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  1. import urllib2
  2. from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup
  3. var = raw_input("Enter your Twitter id: ")
  4. print "Tweets of", var
  5. er = "*%20from%20twitter.user.timeline%20where%20id%3D'"
  6. fg = "'&diagnostics=true&"
  8. zx = er+var+fg
  10. page = urllib2.urlopen(zx)
  11. soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(page)
  12. tweet = soup.findAll('text')
  13. for twt in tweet:
  14. print twt.string

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