Simple Skinnable JQuery Lightbox

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Last step of the installation - Function documentation.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. /**
  2.  * OpenLightbox
  3.  * This function centers an element on the screen.
  4.  *
  5.  * Args:
  6.  * title - The title for the lightbox
  7.  * contents - The contents for the body of the lightbox
  8.  * buttonText - null to hide the button or text to a button that closes the lightbox
  9.  * callbackFunction - null or a callback to call on lightbox close.
  10.  * reloadCallback - null or a callback to call on lightbox reload (hide and show)
  11.  **/
  12. function OpenLightbox(title,contents,buttonText, callbackFunction, reloadCallback)


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