/ Published in: PHP

View class that contains features like:
- get vars inside the view with:
1) $var1
2) $this->var1
3) or $this->get( 'var1', 'defaultValue' )
- factory method for direct chaining:
Lim_View::factory( 'test.php' )->set( 'var1', 'value1' )->show();
- set filter callbacks that will be executed right after rendering
- set global vars and global filters to be available for all views
- get vars inside the view with:
1) $var1
2) $this->var1
3) or $this->get( 'var1', 'defaultValue' )
- factory method for direct chaining:
Lim_View::factory( 'test.php' )->set( 'var1', 'value1' )->show();
- set filter callbacks that will be executed right after rendering
- set global vars and global filters to be available for all views
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<?php /** * Lim_View Class * * View class that contains features like: * - Get vars inside the view in different ways: * 1) $var1 * 2) $this->var1 * 3) $this->getVar('var1', 'defaultValue') * - Manage content filters with priority * - Manage global vars and global filters, which will be available for all views * * @package View * @version 2.0.0 * @author Victor Villaverde Laan * @link http://www.freelancephp.net/lim_view-php-view-class/ * @license MIT license */ class Lim_View { /** * Containing global vars (available for all view instances) * @var array */ /** * Containing global filter callbacks * @var array */ /** * Always able to use the php short open tag (<?= $var ?>), even when * short_open_tag is disabled in the php configuration * @var boolean */ protected static $_shortOpenTag = false; /** * Containing view paths * @var array */ /** * View file path * @var string */ protected $_file = null; /** * View vars * @var array */ /** * Containing filter callbacks * @var array */ /** * Constructor * @param string $file Optional, can be set later */ public function __construct($file = null) { $this->setFile($file); } /** * Set or get php short open tag support (<?= $var ?>) * @param boolean $shortOpenTag Optional * @return boolean|void Returns php short tag support or nothing */ public static function shortOpenTag($shortOpenTag = null) { if ($shortOpenTag === null) return self::$_shortOpenTag; self::$_shortOpenTag = $shortOpenTag; } /** * Add view path * @param string|array $path */ public static function addPath($path) { foreach ($path as $val) self::$_paths[$val] = $val; } else { self::$_paths[$path] = $path; } } /** * Remove view path * @param string $path */ public static function removePath($path) { } /** * Get array of all paths * @return array */ public static function getPaths() { return self::$_paths; } /** * Remove all view paths */ public static function clearPaths() { foreach (self::$_paths as $path) self::removePath($path); } /** * Set the view file * @param string $file * @return $this */ public function setFile($file) { $this->_file = $file; return $this; } /** * Get the view file * @return string */ public function getFile() { return $this->_file; } /** * Check if view file exists * @param string $file Check if given view file exists * @return boolean */ public static function exists($file) { // check if file exists if (self::_fileExists($file)) return true; // check if file can be found in the paths foreach (self::$_paths as $path) { if (self::_fileExists($path . $file)) return true; } return false; } /** * Set (local) var * @param string|array $key Can also give array of values, f.e. array('var1' => 'value1', 'var2' => 'value2') * @param mixed $value Optional, default null * @return $this */ public function setVar($key, $value = null) { foreach ($keys as $k => $v) $this->_vars[$k] = $v; return $this; } /** * Set var * @param string $key * @param mixed $value */ public function __set($key, $value) { $this->setVar($key, $value); } /** * Get a var value (if not exists it will look for a global var with the given key) * @param string $key * @param mixed $defaultValue Optional, return default when key was not found * @param boolean $includeGlobalVars Optional, default true * @return mixed */ public function getVar($key, $defaultValue = null, $includeGlobalVars = true) { return $this->_vars[$key]; if ($includeGlobalVars) { return self::$_globalVars[$key]; } return $defaultValue; } /** * Get var value, also checks global vars * @param string $key * @return mixed */ public function __get($key) { if (!$this->hasVar($key)) $this->_throwException('Key "' . $key . '" was not set.'); return $this->getVar($key); } /** * Unset given (local) var * @param string|array $key Can also give array of keys to unset * @return $this */ public function unsetVar($key) { foreach ($keys as $i => $k) { } return $this; } /** * Unset (local) var * @param string $key */ public function __unset($key) { $this->unsetVar($key); } /** * Check if given var exists * @param string $key * @param boolean $includeGlobalVars Optional, default true * @return boolean */ public function hasVar($key, $includeGlobalVars = true) { return (array_key_exists($key, $this->_vars) || ($includeGlobalVars && array_key_exists($key, self::$_globalVars))); } /** * Get all view vars * @return array */ public function getVars($includeGlobalVars = true) { } /** * Unset all (local) vars * @param string $key * @return $this */ public function clearVars() { foreach ($this->_vars as $key => $val) $this->unsetVar($key); return $this; } /** * Set a global var (available for all views) * @param string|array $key Can also give array of values, f.e. array('var1' => 'value1', 'var2' => 'value2') * @param mixed $value Optional, default null */ public static function setGlobalVar($key, $value = null) { foreach ($keys as $k => $v) self::$_globalVars[$k] = $v; } /** * Set a global var (available for all views) * @param string $key * @param mixed $defaultValue Optional, return default when key was not found */ public static function getGlobalVar($key, $defaultValue = null) { return self::$_globalVars[$key]; return $defaultValue; } /** * Unset global var * @param string|array $key Can also give array of keys to unset */ public static function unsetGlobalVar($key) { foreach ($keys as $i => $k) { } } /** * Check if global var exists * @param string $key * @return boolean */ public static function hasGlobalVar($key) { } /** * Get array of all global vars * @return array */ public static function getGlobalVars() { return self::$_globalVars; } /** * Unset all global vars */ public static function clearGlobalVars() { foreach (self::$_globalVars as $key => $val) self::unsetGlobalVar($key); } /** * Set filter callback. 2 parameters will be passed on to the callback function: * (1) $content: rendered content * (2) $view: this view object * @param mixed $callback * @param string $key Optional * @param integer $priority Optional, default 10 * @return $this */ public function addFilter($callback, $key = null, $priority = 10) { if ($key === null) { $this->_filters[] = $cb; } else { $this->_filters[$key] = $cb; } return $this; } /** * Remove filter * @param string $key * @return $this */ public function removeFilter($key) { return $this; } /** * Check if filter exists * @param string $key * @param boolean $includeGlobalFilters Optional, default true * @return boolean */ public function hasFilter($key, $includeGlobalFilters = true) { return (array_key_exists($key, $this->_filters) || ($includeGlobalFilters && array_key_exists($key, self::$_globalFilters))); } /** * Get filter * @param boolean $includeGlobalFilters Optional, default true * @param boolean $prioritizedOrder * @return array */ public function getFilters($includeGlobalFilters = true, $prioritizedOrder = false) { $filters = ($includeGlobalFilters) ? array_merge(self::$_globalFilters, $this->_filters) : $this->_filters; return ($prioritizedOrder) ? self::_getPrioritizedFilters($filters) : $filters; } /** * Remove all filters * @return $this */ public function clearFilters() { foreach ($this->_filters as $key => $val) $this->removeFilter($key); // reset indexes return $this; } /** * Set global filter (used for all views). 2 parameters will be passed on to the callback function: * (1) $content: rendered content * (2) $view: this view object * @param mixed $callback * @param string $key Optional * @param integer $priority Optional, default 10 */ public static function addGlobalFilter($callback, $key = null, $priority = 10) { // add global filter as a callback function if ($key === null) { self::$_globalFilters[] = $cb; } else { self::$_globalFilters[$key] = $cb; } } /** * Remove filter * @param string $key */ public static function removeGlobalFilter($key) { } /** * Check if filter exists * @param string $key * @return boolean */ public static function hasGlobalFilter($key) { } /** * Get filter * @param boolean $prioritizedOrder * @return array */ public static function getGlobalFilters($prioritizedOrder = false) { return ($prioritizedOrder) ? self::_getPrioritizedFilters(self::$_globalFilters) : self::$_globalFilters; } /** * Remove all global filters */ public static function clearGlobalFilters() { foreach (self::$_globalFilters as $key => $val) self::removeGlobalFilter($key); // reset indexes } /** * Render the view content * @param boolean $echo Optional, default false * @param boolean $applyGlobalFilters Optional, default true * @return string * @throw Exception */ public function render($echo = false, $applyGlobalFilters = true) { // check if view file exists $file = null; if (self::_fileExists($this->_file)) { $file = $this->_file; } else { foreach (self::$_paths as $path) { if (self::_fileExists($path . $this->_file)) $file = $path . $this->_file; } if ($file === null) { $this->_throwException('The file "' . $this->_file . '" could not be fetched.'); return $this; } } // get global and local vars $vars = $this->getVars(true); // extract vars to global namespace // start output buffer // replace short php tags to normal (in case the server doesn't support it) if (self::$_shortOpenTag) { } else { include($file); } // get the view content // clean output buffer // set filters $filters = $this->getFilters($applyGlobalFilters, true); // call filters foreach ($filters as $key => $value) { } // print content if ($echo) echo $content; return $content; } /** * Show rendered view content * @param boolean $applyGlobalFilters Optional, default true * @return $this */ public function show($applyGlobalFilters = true) { $this->render(true, $applyGlobalFilters); return $this; } /** * Renders the view * @return string */ public function __toString() { return $this->render(false); } /** * Throw exception * @param string $msg * @throw Exception */ protected function _throwException($msg) { } /** * File exists * @param string $file * @return boolean */ protected static function _fileExists($file) { } /** * Get filters in priority order * @param array $filters * @return array */ protected static function _getPrioritizedFilters($filters) { return $filters; } /** * Sort by priority (callback) * @param array $a * @param array $b * @return integer */ protected static function _sortPriority($a, $b) { if ($a['priority'] == $b['priority']) return 0; return ($a['priority'] > $b['priority']) ? -1 : 1; } } // Lim_View Class
URL: http://www.freelancephp.net/php-view-class/