/ Published in: JavaScript

Quick example to show how 'this' depends on how the function in which you called it in was being invoked. From jQuery in Action.
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//Define our objects var o1 = {handle:'o1'}; var o2 = {handle:'o2'}; var o3 = {handle:'o3'}; //Set handle to window window.handle = 'window'; function whoAmI() { return this.handle; } //Create method in object 01 o1.identifyMe = whoAmI; alert(whoAmI()); //Alerts 'window' alert(o1.identifyMe()); //Alerts 'o1' alert(whoAmI.call(o2)); //Alerts 'o2' (call is running whoAmI in the context of o2) alert(whoAmI.apply(o3)); //Alerts 'o3' (apply is running whoAmI in the context of o3)