/ Published in: Ruby

"When using haml, an HTML tag is represented using %tagname, but in the case of an HTML tag with attributes, the representation is %tagname{:attribute => value}.
It turns out there must be no whitespace between %tagname and {:attribute => value}. This was the source of a lot of errors when I was trying to write haml forms, since the error message was the cryptic: Illegal Nesting: Nesting within a tag that already has content is illegal."
It turns out there must be no whitespace between %tagname and {:attribute => value}. This was the source of a lot of errors when I was trying to write haml forms, since the error message was the cryptic: Illegal Nesting: Nesting within a tag that already has content is illegal."
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%p{ :title=> 'stupid example', :style=>'font-weight: bold'}
URL: https://elitefrontier.org/elgg/rordev/weblog/92.html