/ Published in: jQuery

Hi everyone, a while ago i posted a little script that reproduced a little animation effect seen in Windows 8 Developer Preview. I thought about expanding it some more, and in the end i started actually recreating the whole Metro interface in HTML5/CSS3/jQuery. if anyone gets interested in it and desires to give a hand i'll soon upload everything on a public github repository
THE RESULT: http://claudiobonifazi.com/snippets/metro
THE SCRIPT: http://claudiobonifazi.com/snippets/metro/script/metro.js
THE MINIFIED SCRIPT: http://claudiobonifazi.com/snippets/metro/script/metro.min.js
hope you enjoy
THE RESULT: http://claudiobonifazi.com/snippets/metro
THE SCRIPT: http://claudiobonifazi.com/snippets/metro/script/metro.js
THE MINIFIED SCRIPT: http://claudiobonifazi.com/snippets/metro/script/metro.min.js
hope you enjoy
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/* * metro.js - Windows 8 Metro UI [v1.2] * Distributed under the Do-wathever-the-hell-you-want-with-it License * * Web site: http://claudiobonifazi.com * Blog: http://claudiobonifazi.com?p=4 * Email: [email protected] * Twitter: @ClaudioBonifazi */ (function($){ $.fn.metro = function( draggable ){ var allEl = $(this); if( allEl.filter('.sidebar').length > 0 ){ $('body').append('<div id="metroSidebar"></div>') $(window).resize(function(){ $('#metroSidebar') .width($(document).width()/5-100) .height($(document).height()-75) }) $(window).resize() allEl.filter('.sidebar').click(function(){ return false }) } return allEl.each(function(i,e){ var el = $(this), duration = 100; /* foundamental animation data */ el.data('metro',{ clicking: false, origin: 0, ang: 10, orizorvert: 0 }) el.data('drag',{ possible: draggable==undefined ? false : draggable, left: 0, top: 0, happening: false, afterWhich: 0 }) /* for a better antialiasing */ if(el.css('box-shadow')=='none') el.css({'box-shadow':'0 0 1px transparent'}) el.parent().css({'-webkit-perspective':el.outerWidth()*5}) el.mousedown(function(e){ var mouse = { x:e.pageX-el.offset().left, y:e.pageY-el.offset().top }, metro=$(this).data('metro'); metro.clicking=true; if( mouse.x < el.outerWidth()/3 ){ metro.orizorvert = 1; metro.origin = 100; metro.ang = -metro.ang; /* left */ }else if(mouse.x > parseInt(el.outerWidth()*2/3)){ metro.orizorvert = 1; /* right */ }else{ if(mouse.y < el.outerHeight()/3){ metro.orizorvert = 2; metro.origin = 100; /* top */ }else if(mouse.y > parseInt(el.outerHeight()*2/3)){ metro.orizorvert = 2; metro.ang = -metro.ang; /* bottom */ } } el.data('metro',metro) if( el.data('drag').possible ){ e.preventDefault() el.data('drag').left = e.pageX; el.data('drag').top = e.pageY; el.data('drag').afterWhich = allEl.index(el); if( el.css('position')=='static' ) el.css({ 'position':'relative' }) } if( metro.orizorvert > 0 && $.browser.webkit){ el .css({'-webkit-transform-origin':(metro.orizorvert==1 ? metro.origin+'% 0%' : '0% '+metro.origin+'%')}) .animate({'text-indent':el.css('text-indent')},{duration:duration, step: function(now,fx){ /* anim = rotateX(number) or rotateY(number) */ anim = 'rotate'+ (metro.orizorvert==1 ? 'Y':'X')+ '('+( metro.ang*Math.sin((fx.pos*Math.PI/2)) )+'deg)' el.css({'-webkit-transform' : anim }) },queue:false}) .delay(duration) }else if( metro.orizorvert==0 || !$.browser.webkit ){ el .css({'-webkit-transform-origin':''}) .animate({'text-indent':el.css('text-indent')},{duration:duration, step: function(now,fx){ /* anim = scale(number) */ anim = 'scale('+(1- Math.sin(fx.pos*Math.PI/2)/10)+')' el.css({ '-webkit-transform' : anim, '-moz-transform' : anim, '-o-transform' : anim }) },queue:false}) .delay(duration) } if( el.data('drag').possible ){ el.css({ 'cursor':'move' }) } }).mouseup(function(e){ var a = el.data('metro'); if( a.clicking==true ){ if( a.orizorvert > 0 && $.browser.webkit){ el .css({ '-webkit-transform-origin' : (a.orizorvert==1 ? a.origin+'% 0%' : '0% '+a.origin+'%') }) .animate({'text-indent':el.css('text-indent')},{duration:duration, step: function(now,fx){ /* anim = rotateX(number) or rotateY(number) */ anim = 'rotate'+(a.orizorvert==1 ? 'Y':'X')+'('+a.ang*Math.cos((fx.pos*Math.PI/2))+'deg)'; el.css({'-webkit-transform' : anim }) },queue:false}) .delay(duration) }else if( a.orizorvert==0 || !$.browser.webkit){ el .animate({'text-indent': el.css('text-indent')},{duration:duration, step: function(now,fx){ /* anim = scale(number) */ anim = 'scale('+(1- Math.cos(fx.pos*Math.PI/2)/10)+')'; el.css({ '-webkit-transform' : anim, '-moz-transform' : anim, '-o-transform' : anim }) },queue:false}) .delay(duration) } el.data('metro',{ clicking: false, origin: 0, ang: 10, orizorvert: 0 }) if( el.hasClass('sidebar') && !el.data('drag').happening ){ if( allEl.index(el) == $('#metroSidebar').data('whoOpenedIt') ) $('#metroSidebar').animate({'width':'hide'},'fast').empty().removeData('whoOpenedIt') else $('#metroSidebar').load(el.attr('href')).animate({'width':'show'},'fast').data('whoOpenedIt',allEl.index(el)) } if( el.data('drag').possible ){ e.preventDefault(); el.css({ 'cursor':'auto','z-index':0}) if( el.data('drag').happening ){ el .css({ 'z-index':0}).fadeTo(duration,1) .animate({left:0,top:0},Math.min(2*duration,200)) } el.data( 'drag',{ possible:true, left: e.pageX, top: e.pageY, happening:false } ) } } }).mouseout(function(){ if( el.data('metro').clicking ){ if( el.data('drag').possible ) el.parent().mousemove(e) else el.mouseup() } }) $('body>*').not('#metroSidebar').click(function(){ if( allEl.filter('.sidebar').length>0 ){ $('#metroSidebar').animate({'width':'hide'},'fast').empty().removeData('whoOpenedIt') } }) if( el.data('drag').possible ){ el.parent() .mousemove(function(e){ if( el.data('metro').clicking && el.data('drag').possible ){ el.data('drag').happening = true; if(el.css('opacity')==1) el.fadeTo(duration,0.9) el.css({ 'z-index':9999,left: e.pageX-el.data('drag').left, top: -el.data('drag').top+e.pageY }) e.preventDefault() } }) } }) } })(jQuery)
URL: http://claudiobonifazi.com/snippets/metro