
Member since 11/01/2010

Name: Claudio Bonifazi


Location: Italy


Web development & design in Milan.

14 snippets

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How to make numbers update with a smooth animation with jQuery
1 683 posted 12 years ago by claudiowebdesign
this function gets a parameter like an hex color (es: "#ffffff"), an abbreviated hex color (es: "#fff"), an rgb color (es: "rgb(255,255,255)") or an rgba color (es: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"), and returns an object containing the rgba values, like { red:...
0 1749 posted 12 years ago by claudiowebdesign
This is a little PHP class that permits to start quickly the creation of a webpage. When you declare an instance of the class it automatically starts the output buffering and gzip compression, it outputs all the proper tags (doctype, meta, stylesh...
0 574 posted 12 years ago by claudiowebdesign
Hi everyone, a while ago i posted a little script that reproduced a little animation effect seen in Windows 8 Developer Preview. I thought about expanding it some more, and in the end i started actually recreating the whole Metro interface in HTML5/C...
1 1389 posted 12 years ago by claudiowebdesign
That's something quick. A basic php class to manage properly a database. Thanks to magic methods opening a database is almost automatic.
1 865 posted 12 years ago by claudiowebdesign
I tried to create a little jQuery method to notify events to the user just as in facebook. EXAMPLE: 1- Link this little plugin to your page (or paste it into your files as you wish)...
0 724 posted 12 years ago by claudiowebdesign
After giving a try with the Windows 8 Developer Preview i asked myself if i could reproduce the on click effect of the metro UI in a webpage. Sadly, for what i know at this time CSS3 3d transformations works only on webkit browsers, so this is not...
0 771 posted 12 years ago by claudiowebdesign
Questa piccola funzione riceve come argomento uno unix timestamp e ritorna una stringa contenente la "descrizione verbosa" della differenza di tempo. Ad esempio, usando il timestamp relativo a 5 minuti e mezzo fa, ritornerà la stringa "5 minuti e 30...
0 557 posted 12 years ago by claudiowebdesign
On screen: Click here to see the pics! On print: Click here [link: http://www.shabada.boh] to see the pics!
0 665 posted 12 years ago by claudiowebdesign
A little function used to set cookies as arrays of values instead of single combinations key->value. Note that it saves values as a stack.
1 625 posted 13 years ago by claudiowebdesign
You can simply put it in your reset stylesheet. It visualizes the classic rotating gif while the document's images are coming from the server at page load.
3 654 posted 13 years ago by claudiowebdesign
Just a bit of essential code lines to start everytime from. // I don't use it :P
5 872 posted 13 years ago by claudiowebdesign
A jQuery plugin that adds the .spiral() method, wich moves an element along an archimedean spiral path.
3 1505 posted 13 years ago by claudiowebdesign
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