Open and Read File

/ Published in: Visual Basic
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  1. OpenFileDialog:
  2. 'will return the absolute path of the file to upload
  3. FileToRead = Application.GetOpenFilename(, , "Find File", , False)
  5. If Not ((FileToRead = "False") Or (FileToRead = "")) Then
  7. '================ On first loop through file, check water controls ===================
  9. Open FileToRead For Input As #1
  10. Do While Not EOF(1)
  12. ReadALine:
  13. Line Input #1, LineRead
  15. If LineRead = "" Then
  16. GoTo ReadALine
  17. Else
  18. 'Put in stuff to do to the line of data here
  19. End If
  21. Loop
  23. close #1
  24. 'This happens if the user presses Cancel when they are trying to open a file to read
  25. Else
  26. ans = MsgBox("You must select a file to read for the program to continue." & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & _
  27. "Please select a file an try again.", vbOKCancel + vbInformation, "No File Selected")
  28. If ans = vbCancel Then
  29. MsgBox "The program is stopped."
  30. Exit Sub
  31. Else
  32. GoTo OpenFileDialog
  33. End If
  35. End If

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