/ Published in: PHP

The script that creates the thumbnail wlll also need to output it in an image format. This means we will be using the ordinary tag which links to a PHP file rather than an image.
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<?php //re-size an image and keep its exact proportions //<img src="thumbnail.php?file=img.jpg&maxw=50&maxh=50" /> //Alternatively, we might want to have thumbnails that are all the same size, regardless of the original proportions. //<img src="thumbnail.php?file=img.jpg&width=50&height=50" /> // Get the File path for the image $sImagePath = $_GET["file"]; // If you want exact dimensions, you // will pass 'width' and 'height' $iThumbnailWidth = (int)$_GET['width']; $iThumbnailHeight = (int)$_GET['height']; // If you want proportional thumbnails, // you will pass 'maxw' and 'maxh' $iMaxWidth = (int)$_GET["maxw"]; $iMaxHeight = (int)$_GET["maxh"]; // Based on the above we can tell which // type of resizing our script must do if ($iMaxWidth && $iMaxHeight) $sType = 'scale'; else if ($iThumbnailWidth && $iThumbnailHeight) $sType = 'exact'; // The 'scale' type will make the image // smaller but keep the same dimensions // The 'exact' type will make the thumbnail // exactly the width and height you choose // To start off, we will create a copy // of our original image in $img $img = NULL; // At this point, we need to know the // format of the image // Based on that, we can create a new // image using these functions: // - imagecreatefromjpeg // - imagecreatefrompng // - imagecreatefromgif if ($sExtension == 'jpg' || $sExtension == 'jpeg') { } else if ($sExtension == 'png') { } else if ($sExtension == 'gif') { } // If the image has been created, we may proceed // to the next step if ($img) { // We now need to decide how to resize the image // If we chose to scale down the image, we will // need to get the original image propertions if ($sType == 'scale') { // Get scale ratio $iMaxHeight/$iOrigHeight); // To explain how this works, say the original // dimensions were 200x100 and our max width // and height for a thumbnail is 50 pixels. // We would do $iMaxWidth/$iOrigWidth // (50/200) = 0.25 // And $iMaxHeight/$iOrigHeight // (50/100) = 0.5 // We then use the min() function // to find the lowest value. // In this case, 0.25 is the lowest so that // is our scale. The thumbnail must be // 1/4th (0.25) of the original image if ($fScale < 1) { // We must only run the code below // if the scale is lower than 1 // If it isn't, this means that // the thumbnail we want is actually // bigger than the original image // Calculate the new height and width // based on the scale // Create a new temporary image using the // imagecreatetruecolor function $iNewHeight); // The function below copies the original // image and re-samples it into the new one // using the new width and height $iNewWidth, $iNewHeight, $iOrigWidth, $iOrigHeight); // Finally, we simply destroy the $img file // which contained our original image // so we can replace with the new thumbnail $img = $tmpimg; } } else if ($sType == "exact") { // Get scale ratio $iThumbnailHeight/$iOrigHeight); // This works similarly to other one but // rather than the lowest value, we need // the highest. For example, if the // dimensions were 200x100 and our thumbnail // had to be 50x50, we would calculate: // $iThumbnailWidth/$iOrigWidth // (50/200) = 0.25 // And $iThumbnailHeight/$iOrigHeight // (50/100) = 0.5 // We then use the max() function // to find the highest value. // In this case, 0.5 is the highest so that // is our scale. This is the first step of // the image manipulation. Once we scale // the image down to 0.5, it will have the // dimensions of 100x50. At this point, // we will need to crop the image, leaving // the height identical but halving // the width to 50 if ($fScale < 1) { // Calculate the new height and width // based on the scale // Create a new temporary image using the // imagecreatetruecolor function $iNewHeight); $iThumbnailHeight); // The function below copies the original // image and re-samples it into the new one // using the new width and height $iNewWidth, $iNewHeight, $iOrigWidth, $iOrigHeight); // Our $tmpimg will now have the scaled down // image. The next step is cropping the picture to // make sure it's exactly the size of the thumbnail // The following logic choose how the image // will be cropped. Using the previous example, it // needs to take a 50x50 block from the original // image and copy it over to the new thumbnail // Since we want to copy the exact center of the // scaled down image, we need to find out the x // axis and y axis. To do so, say the scaled down // image now has a width of 100px but we want it // to be only 50px // Somehow, we need to select between the 25th and // 75th pixel to copy the middle. // To find this value we do: // ($iNewWidth/2)-($iThumbnailWidth/2) // ( 100px / 2 ) - (50px / 2) // ( 50px ) - ( 25px ) // = 25px if ($iNewWidth == $iThumbnailWidth) { $yAxis = ($iNewHeight/2)- ($iThumbnailHeight/2); $xAxis = 0; } else if ($iNewHeight == $iThumbnailHeight) { $yAxis = 0; $xAxis = ($iNewWidth/2)- ($iThumbnailWidth/2); } // We now have to resample the new image using the // new dimensions are axis values. $xAxis, $yAxis, $iThumbnailWidth, $iThumbnailHeight, $iThumbnailWidth, $iThumbnailHeight); $img = $tmp2img; } } // Display the image using the header function to specify // the type of output our page is giving } ?>
URL: http://www.webgeekly.com/tutorials/php/how-to-create-an-image-thumbnail-on-the-fly-using-php/