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Everyone's Recent Snippets Tagged windows

0 736 posted 14 years ago by falconzy
0 755 posted 14 years ago by cabrel
This has been made for Windows but shouldn't be hard to convert for other OS's.
0 687 posted 14 years ago by Keef
I found this today and don't want too lose it. In windows the following command will create a text file named fileListing.txt which will contain a list of all the files in the current directory ( including fileListing.txt )
1 3318 posted 14 years ago by theonlyalterego
Be sure to change all Audio references to the corresponding window title in your language. This script switch the default audio device in Windows 7 to the second audio device, in my case the Headphones. You can add one or more Send, {Down} statements...
1 1107 posted 14 years ago by harrison3001
1 940 posted 14 years ago by cabrel
Put the script in the app "Spark" (download from http://www.shadowlab.org/Software/spark.php) and give it a shortcut
0 1000 posted 14 years ago by Macgeeky
Internet Explorer 7 under Windows XP Service Pack 3 has the Windows Registry "Reserved Value" 180D set that was not set before, which can cause a "Do you want to move or copy files from this zone?" prompt on moves or copies between Windows shares if...
1 1360 posted 14 years ago by karlhorky
integration of an image/title/description into a snippet using WindowsOnWeb
0 605 posted 14 years ago by windowsonweb
Based upon the Drive Icon Change Windows Vista tweak and the shell icons registry settings found at the respective links below, this Windows 7 / Vista tweak will set the default icon of all A-Z drive letters (like C: for instance) and the Desktop to...
1 1919 posted 14 years ago by karlhorky
A modification of Bill James' New Folder context menu script ( http://billsway.com/vbspage/ ), this script instead creates a "New File" item in the right click context menu of Directory Backgrounds. Upon running the New File item, you will be prompte...
0 1166 posted 14 years ago by karlhorky
Create config/initializers/paperclip.rb
0 816 posted 15 years ago by Nek
Windows shutdown after pause. Set it up with a scheduled task.
1 891 posted 15 years ago by vagrantradio
Runs cleanmgr.exe automation, set it up with a scheduled task.
1 1011 posted 15 years ago by vagrantradio
PowerShell script. Get all installed in system COM objects.
0 902 posted 15 years ago by AlexLocust
Mounting a windows share in Ubuntu (The UI version doesn't seem to offer a mount point).
0 893 posted 15 years ago by narkisr
The Query Builder allows you to control the AND and OR relation in your searches Note: 12.0 in the path below is the Outlook version, replace it with the Outlook version you have. Credit for this trick goes to: http://www.msoutlook.info/questio...
1 922 posted 15 years ago by ramisedhom
Here is a nice snippet to open links in pop-up windows. Just add the popup css class to your link to make it work.
3 1030 posted 15 years ago by math89
This approach allows an application to be embedded in a DLL. This is handy for diagnostic/maintenance utilities that are used with the DLL. Steps to create: * Create a MFC DLL project * Add a dialog * Add an entry point function such as void CA...
0 1545 posted 15 years ago by jimfred
Apagado por linea de comando
0 738 posted 15 years ago by xaviles
I occasionally need a WinExec function the synchronously executes a command. cwdArg may be null. This example, upon error, pops-up a dialog and exits the app. This is useful for small installation utilities. non-dot.net, with or without MFC.
0 859 posted 15 years ago by jimfred
Determine directory where the .exe is running from. Usually it's CWD - but not always, such as MsiExec Custom Actions. Windows. non-dot.net, with or without MFC.
0 894 posted 15 years ago by jimfred
Simple non-dot.net function to determine if a file exists. Uses the WinBase API. Can be used with or without mfc. Windows, non-dot.net, with or without MFC.
0 1137 posted 15 years ago by jimfred
First of all, for all Stackoverflow.com members who have seen my question about this snippet on Stackoverflow, yes I am the same person as WebDevhobo. Last time I asked a question about something I posted here I got a bucketload of comments saying I...
1 1208 posted 15 years ago by Vordreller
Mac OS X creates files beginning with *._* to Samba shares when files on a Unix/Linux machine are accessed with a Mac. I use [Coda](http://www.panic.com/coda/) to access a Samba share on my development server at work. This is really annoying when c...
1 1202 posted 15 years ago by shaunchapman