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IE6 and before doesn't support :hover in CSS (except for anchors). You can use this script to make hovers work in IE. Just add the following line to your stylesheet (this assumes the path of the file -- you may need to change it to reflect your paths...
posted 18 years ago by jonhenshaw
created some navigation buttons for a site i'm working on, this is without images in a horizontal arrangement. kevh.net has the article on creating the vertical navigation, and how to do both using images instead of native CSS styling
posted 18 years ago by kevh
Used for rounding corners of a div. Need an upper left corner and an upper right corner. Example page is http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/quickstart/
posted 18 years ago by ryanprel
This is basically the top few lines of every CSS document I start with, just the basic selectors, no specific elements at this point in time. I like to place a general styling for almost every type of tag in my document so that as I later style my H...
posted 18 years ago by kevh
BODY {font-size:62.5%}
This takes 16px down to 10px (16 x 0.625 = 10), which apart from being less huge is a nice round number. From now on it’s easy to think in pixels but still set sizes in terms of ems: 1em is 10px, 0.8em is 8px, 1.6em is 16px,...
posted 18 years ago by zensir
Stop the background image flickering on IE by including this code in the header of your page. See link for more information.
posted 18 years ago by 1man
Caja con esquinas redondeadas y un borde de diferente color tambien redondeado. Más info en: http://www.curvycorners.net/
posted 18 years ago by aurele
No es necesario redondear los vertices de la imagen para darle una apariencia tal. Más info en: http://www.curvycorners.net/
posted 18 years ago by aurele
To move the content away from the background image apply "padding-left" to the "LI" element. In this case "0.6em" has been used. As with vertical alignment, list padding will be determined by the size of your image.
posted 18 years ago by zensir