
Member since 06/27/2006

Location: Nashville, TN


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This script will return the URL for the current page you're on, including category and tag pages.
3 1460 posted 15 years ago by jonhenshaw
Open Terminal and enter this command.
1 1221 posted 16 years ago by jonhenshaw
This is a simple but powerful tweak to the wp-config.php file that will make it easy to run multiple websites using one database and codebase. Simply change "" with your domain and that's it. Repeat that line for new domains.
2 1361 posted 16 years ago by jonhenshaw
Example: ln -s /usr/local/apache/logs ./logs
3 1334 posted 16 years ago by jonhenshaw
Great page for testing the style guide for a website.
0 21508 posted 16 years ago by jonhenshaw
A good CSS example of how to style Horizontal Rule (HR) elements. It's also Internet Explorer (IE) friendly.
3 1211 posted 16 years ago by jonhenshaw
Line 6 starts a loop (which ends with line 15). The ls command returns a list of filenames which are sequentially assigned to the shell variable x. The if test (lines 8 through 10) checks to see if the current filename is that of a plain file. If not...
0 1233 posted 16 years ago by jonhenshaw
Features: Complies to version 2.1 of the vCard specification Supports the following attributes: * Name * Formatted Name * Phone and fax numbers * Birthday * Address * Address label * email address * notes...
6 2343 posted 16 years ago by jonhenshaw
I often find something like this lurking at the end of my base templates - it'll show you which queries were run while generating the current page, but they'll start out hidden so as not to be a pain. Of course, before this works, you'll need to s...
1 1150 posted 16 years ago by jonhenshaw
curvyCorners is a free JavaScript program that will create on-the-fly rounded corners for any HTML DIV element, that look as good as any graphically created corners.
3 1239 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
A list of blood types for an online form.
0 7938 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
A drop down list of skin tone for an online form.
0 1671 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
A drop down list of facial hair options for an online form.
0 1236 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
A drop down list of hair color for an online form.
0 2217 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
A drop down list of eye colors for an online form.
0 2347 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
This is a list of the fifty most commonly spoken languages in the United States of America. The list can be used in an online form.
0 2594 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
Drop down list for resident status for an online form.
0 1618 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
A comprehensive list of countries for an online form.
16 5792 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
Here's a quick list for collecting the race/ethnicity of a user in an online form.
0 3490 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
Getting SuperSleight running on a page is quite straightforward, you just need to link the supplied JavaScript file into your document inside conditional comments so that it is delivered to only Internet Explorer 6 or older.
3 1243 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
The selector portion of the CSS rule targets which XHTML tags/classes this rule will be applied to. At first glance, it looks like all img tags as well as all tags with a class of "png". You’ll notice the * html in front of both of these. Wait, the...
15 3136 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
Step 1: Copy and paste the e-mail Form Code into a 'contact.php' page (must be a html/php page on a server that allows php!). Step 2: Copy n paste the sendeail.php code into a new file. Change the YourEmail section to include your email address. T...
3 1379 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
Good info here too:
2 1648 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
This will create a State select list for Textpattern if you're using the zem_contact_reborn form plugin
0 1421 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
This randomly displays 1 of the 5 arrays (amount of arrays to choose from can be reduced or increased)
3 1061 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
Textpattern's default page title markup -- txp:page_title -- always places the site name in front of the individual page name. This is irritating, because I prefer to have the interior content title come before the site title itself -- it just makes...
3 1212 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
Over time, your Mac's Mail program can start to feel sluggish because, like any database, over time it needs to optimized.
4 1081 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
Excellent Script for opening new windows from links while adhering to modern HTML/XHTML standards. Simple put rel="nofollow" in the anchor and link to the script within the HEAD. I prefer to remove the text that states the link opens in an externa...
1 1277 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
Enter this command in Terminal to restart Apache. Especially useful after you've made changes to the hosts file.
2 1072 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
Run this command in the Terminal on Mac OS X to flush the DNS cache on your computer. This is especially helpful when making changes to the host file.
2 1479 posted 17 years ago by jonhenshaw
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