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0 704 posted 15 years ago by spark9
1 654 posted 15 years ago by joeydi
This function takes a string and deletes the last comma in it. It is meant for strings with a trailing comma such as "13, 24, 15, "
1 1320 posted 16 years ago by jlvallelonga
this function formats a web address for use in a link
2 875 posted 16 years ago by jlvallelonga
usage: SomeDropDownList.Set("Some String Value");
1 1012 posted 16 years ago by naspinski
1 858 posted 16 years ago by charmcitycoder
asp function similar to php one, to truncate long words inside a string
1 1043 posted 16 years ago by ginoplusio
show a table with data and his column name
2 1098 posted 16 years ago by ginoplusio
View version with full names here: [Dropdown-states](http://snipplr.com/view/4042/dropdown-states/ "View full names version")
3 1336 posted 16 years ago by jasonseney
function that return TrueVal if Condition is true else return FalseVal.
0 1198 posted 16 years ago by ginoplusio
similar to php ereg_replace. You can pass this pattern [^A-Za-z0-9] and "" to remove from string non alphanumerical chars: s = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]","",s) I use this function to clean input fields...
0 1046 posted 16 years ago by ginoplusio
Learn how to create a 301 redirect for domain or home variations to improve your websites' search engine optimization.
2 1341 posted 16 years ago by neal_grosskopf
Llamada a un servicio web desde ASP clásico. <u>xmlSOAP</u> es el SOAP Envelope construido
0 942 posted 16 years ago by sulfurito
Based on the ereg family of functions in PHP.
0 908 posted 16 years ago by DaveChild
Format strings: * %A - AM or PM * %a - am or pm * %m - Month with leading zeroes (01 - 12) * %n - Month without leading zeroes (1 - 12) * %F - Month name (January - December) * %M - Three letter month name (Jan - Dec) * $d - Da...
0 1424 posted 16 years ago by DaveChild
0 924 posted 16 years ago by LondonWeb
substitui <ENTER> em quebra de linha. Break the lines form data, replacing <ENTER> key
0 730 posted 16 years ago by LondonWeb
mostrar resultados - simplified version show results
1 707 posted 16 years ago by LondonWeb
YouTube offers a method for users and developers to embed video on their web pages. Unfortunately the code that they use doesn't validate. Use this function to make YouTube's embed code validate.
2 1119 posted 16 years ago by neal_grosskopf
Use this function to create a unique class name based on the page's url. It makes for a great way to drill down with specificity in CSS later by placing this on the ID or as a Class on the body tag.
1 992 posted 16 years ago by neal_grosskopf
One thing that always bothered me about Classic ASP is that there isn't an easy way to get the entire url. So I devised a function that will get the full path including the query string.
2 4827 posted 16 years ago by neal_grosskopf
ASP does not have a built in function to reverse or sort array like other languages. Find out how to do it.
1 1253 posted 16 years ago by neal_grosskopf
I notice that a lot of database driven websites make easy mistakes by not checking for plural words. An example might be "2 vote" or "1 votes". Here is an example of a function using ASP to check for plurals.
1 1112 posted 16 years ago by neal_grosskopf