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To convert files, especially prior to mysql insert. use file filename to find out encoding
1 743 posted 14 years ago by bionic
This is how to patch changes from svn into git (should work with other vcs as well).
0 682 posted 14 years ago by narkisr
Squashing --------- WARNING: "git rebase" changes history. Be careful. Google it. git rebase --interactive HEAD~10 (then change all but the first "pick" to "squash") squash the last 10 commits into one big commit
0 1095 posted 14 years ago by jturmel
0 690 posted 14 years ago by tm
0 732 posted 14 years ago by tm
0 822 posted 14 years ago by webonomic
Howto search and replace in vim when editing a file.
1 671 posted 14 years ago by wdso
<p>This zips all files and directories</p> <p>-r:Includes all files and directories -> Files</p> <p>filename.zip:The zip file you want to create</p> <p>foldername:The folder you are targetting or use * if your currently in the folder</p>
0 3459 posted 14 years ago by kevinbanet
0 612 posted 14 years ago by therobot
This command will count the number of files in the given directory and sub-directories.
0 1017 posted 14 years ago by gdvickery
This is based upon a debian guide, it seems to work well for ubuntu as well, all these steps can be performed via remote ssh (no need to access the machine).
0 629 posted 14 years ago by narkisr
Делаем исполняемым cd ~ && chmod +x ship.sh Для запуска сервера: ./ship.sh -serve Для подключения к серверу ./ship.sh host
1 478 posted 14 years ago by anonymous
This snippet shows how to replace the colours in a monochrome image, i.e. one which only contains two colours and the range of hues between them.
0 586 posted 14 years ago by deepsoul
gets the svn version of the cwd
0 591 posted 14 years ago by iloveitaly
Estou considerando que você irá alterar [DOMINIO] para o nome correto de seu certificado. Em servidores sem cpanel logo, após a instalação convencional do SSL é requerido senha sempre que o apache é iniciado. Para contornar isso:
0 560 posted 14 years ago by gpupo
0 465 posted 14 years ago by winstonford
There is no debian startup script for the lighttpd webserver, if you install the server from sources. You could rewrite the redhat init script for your self, but i've already done this for you :-)
0 476 posted 14 years ago by crypt
How to setup a remote git repository via SSH.
0 796 posted 14 years ago by narkisr
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