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I am really interested in Computer Vision technology, so I started to dig deeper in this topic. This is how I found the code below for edge detection, a method belonging to object detection. If you are interested in implementing edge detection in C#...
0 1464 posted 10 years ago by DaniBarros
You can find the full source code for corner detection here. I found this solution on www.camera-sdk.com and it worked for me fine. I created a Visual C# WPF application in Visual Studio, and added two .dll files (VOIPSDK.dll and NVA.dll) to the refe...
0 1313 posted 10 years ago by MahendraGadhavi
If you wish to make your home, office or warehouse more secure, taking frame captures can be a very useful solution for you. And I can tell you this because I’ve already implemented this function at my office. Now I am sharing the prewritten source...
0 1886 posted 10 years ago by AdrianVasilyev
While searching on the Internet on how to make SIP video calls using C#, I recognised that there aren’t any brief and straightforward tutorial in this topic. I found multi-page articles (sorry, but some of them are full of bullsh*t) and neverending...
0 1510 posted 10 years ago by sacha-manji
Used to stretch a video / image to fill a background without skewing. Attach to resize events
0 1008 posted 11 years ago by rickygri
ffmpeg - Convert Sony Cybershot MPG file to mp4 for JavaFX 2
0 1293 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
This type of conversion is very fast because the main audio video content is just copied (not converted) to a new container type of file.
1 1359 posted 11 years ago by laurenceosx
Uses CSS3 attributes and psuedo elements to create a simple play button for web interfaces.
0 1006 posted 11 years ago by devowhippit
This snippets show how to extract the video id of a youtube video from its URL
0 1182 posted 12 years ago by slimITTN
This would convert images at 30fps to a mp4 video, with sequence titles: ImageName0000.png, ImageName0001.png, etc. You could use -r 1/5 to use one frame every five seconds.
1 1050 posted 12 years ago by jmiller
Extracts the video title & download URL from a youtube page and starts a download.
3 1512 posted 12 years ago by codespartan
This responsive video CSS trick was discovered by tjkdesign.com. I've blogged about it before, you may read the details here. It makes the video embed to expand fullwidth to the boundary.
0 923 posted 12 years ago by OrngTicTac
Originally from: http://webdesignerwall.com/tutorials/css-elastic-videos
0 916 posted 13 years ago by thewickedchemist
This will get the 11-character YouTube video ID from any valid YouTube URL. Based on http://snipplr.com/view/57065/get-youtube-video-id/ but made more robust to handle additional URL inputs
0 1587 posted 13 years ago by jmiller
Remember to change flashvars (src, poster) and the size of the player in swfobject.embedSWF parameters (428, 240)
0 917 posted 13 years ago by carlskov
0 1013 posted 13 years ago by microreviewsorg
0 990 posted 13 years ago by microreviewsorg
0 984 posted 13 years ago by microreviewsorg
0 895 posted 13 years ago by microreviewsorg
don't download as soon as page loads
0 948 posted 13 years ago by microreviewsorg
download as soon as page loads but don't play
0 991 posted 13 years ago by microreviewsorg
0 946 posted 13 years ago by microreviewsorg
0 946 posted 13 years ago by microreviewsorg
0 960 posted 13 years ago by microreviewsorg
0 944 posted 13 years ago by weidel
This code snippet gets all information from a YouTube video (title, description, duration, thumbnail url, thumbnail width, thumbnail height, etc..) using the video id and YouTube API.
0 2156 posted 13 years ago by TimoZachi
This function validates the URL of a YouTube video. It supports four kinds of URL: ?v=, /v/, #!v=, and the short version (youtu.be). To validate the ID a request to YouTube is made, this is done using a personal class utilizing cURL.
0 1064 posted 13 years ago by peckham
ffmpeg to create video that will upload OK to youtube 2 pass libx264 encoder followed by 1-pass .wmv output example
0 1124 posted 13 years ago by rowntreerob
podcast to youtube . the output will upload ok using mpeg container for audio only 2 examples: 2 pass libx264 output .wmv file
0 1456 posted 13 years ago by rowntreerob
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