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' ' ' 1, Create your cex.io account from https://cex.io/r/0/rbillig/0/ ( mandatory ) ' 2, Tranfer Bitcoins to you account ' 3, Under your CEX account, create a public and secret key ' 4, Modify the 3 vars below ( G_USERNAME, G_APIKEY...
0 1729 posted 11 years ago by rbillig
Example to change the selected item in a ComboBox, in code behind. For VB.Net
0 1055 posted 11 years ago by keidash
I wanted a time based gantt chart in excel. Robert's excel template was very useful. The hourly gantt chart was not useful to visualize my needs. I need something with 10 mins precision to analyse patterns in jobs that are running under 15 mins. So t...
0 964 posted 11 years ago by mprabhuram
This would round down the time stamp to the nearest 5 minute interval based on first interval being 00:00:00.
0 984 posted 11 years ago by mprabhuram
lists sheets without opening the file
0 850 posted 11 years ago by lolrenx
short loop to load a dictionary
0 867 posted 12 years ago by lolrenx
Concatenate all text in cells with defined separator
0 879 posted 12 years ago by lolrenx
quick way to get column headers formatted
0 795 posted 12 years ago by lolrenx
consider currentregion as a 'datarange' custom class
1 987 posted 12 years ago by lolrenx
Copy rows based on criteria to a new sheet or file
0 1043 posted 12 years ago by angelia
'Append data from multiple worksheet to single worksheet macro
0 893 posted 12 years ago by angelia
Used to invoke a GetSaveAsFileName dialogue box
0 766 posted 12 years ago by sjmoorecouk
Save the following code as a macro and then apply it to the fields you want to convert
0 1137 posted 12 years ago by kidmizere
Counts numbers and places the result in row 1. To get this populated click an top row (any) cell and click Yes to the following dialogue box. Only uniquely counts number values, not text.
0 696 posted 12 years ago by sjmoorecouk
Awesome shortcut.
0 878 posted 13 years ago by kidmizere
VBA script to remove all the images present in the active sheet of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
0 833 posted 13 years ago by mikaelpelle
Retrieves Active Directory distinguished name given user's SAMAccountName
0 770 posted 13 years ago by lrduncan
PROBLEM: How to save Excel range into image file. VBA macro in Excel 2007. SOLUTION: Create an empty chart, paste range image into chart area, and Export as image file. Modify code to suite to your needs.
0 4190 posted 13 years ago by win4me
0 802 posted 13 years ago by Maikel
Set TimerInterval to 1000 Add a command button called cmdUndo, which will be enabled the moment the form is edited.
0 870 posted 13 years ago by heislekw
Per creare una nuova funzione completa di un gestore errori.
1 679 posted 13 years ago by Ideandro
Use this code to change the default highlight color for a cell in excel 2007. Right click on the sheet name and click view code, Paste this code into the module that comes up.
0 886 posted 13 years ago by aianrnoens
Excel macro to copy values from formated cells. For example: If you have a sheet that has huge numbers in millions for example 1,312,323 and you apply a format to the cell such that only 1.3 is displayed, if you want to copy 1.3 and put it in a da...
1 1003 posted 13 years ago by abhisood
Replace 'A1' with the cell and '-' with the character you want to remove.
0 975 posted 14 years ago by TheJasonParker
KeyPreview property must be set to Yes
0 1002 posted 14 years ago by heislekw
Code is VBA...
0 7327 posted 14 years ago by dotNetkow
Un ejemplo de como hacer un resice del formulario conjunto a todos los controles.
0 1297 posted 14 years ago by keidash
Создание процедуры с переменным числом параметров и обработка этих параметров
0 665 posted 14 years ago by makeev