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<p>Follow these steps to secure your Cakephp Website:</p> <p>*Before you actually start using Security Component functionality, make sure you use $components = array (‘Security’, ‘Auth’) in the array so you can extend its functionality in...
0 1099 posted 9 years ago by cakephpexpert
来自StockTrader Dbloader
0 783 posted 10 years ago by gujingshui
Simple PHP Backdoor Shell // http://www.example.com/shell.php?cmd=dir
0 2534 posted 11 years ago by shopsplash
**Example of use:** if (!isUniversityEmail('[email protected]')) exit('You must have a valid and .edu email address to register for an account.');
1 1111 posted 11 years ago by phpdev
This is a AutoHotKey.com script. It runs on Windows and allows you to lock your computer by simply hitting a single key combination and unlock it with a different one. Download the whole script at the url listed.
0 1383 posted 11 years ago by deanhouseholder
The sysprotects system table reports all of the permissions granted or denied in a given database. We'll need to join it with sysusers and sysobjects to get all the information we need. Here's an example query that only pulls information on objects (...
0 1099 posted 11 years ago by edwinet
To keep up on important incidents on your site without having to dig through server logs the alternative can be custom logs.
0 915 posted 12 years ago by COBOLdinosaur
Using sed to recursively remove malicious code injection form .php files when the injected code follows the pattern <?php>
0 1128 posted 12 years ago by tinytiger
Nice implementation of Blowfish for storing user passwords to prevent decryption when for example the user database is compromised. Origin: Burak Guzel@Nettuts
2 1280 posted 12 years ago by ptodorov
Insert this in functions.php to remove WordPress version from being output in the header source code
0 923 posted 12 years ago by klagraff
Enter any suspicious IP address that you wanted to check into the form field and press the "LOOKUP" button
1 2688 posted 12 years ago by DNSBL
IE Zone Analyzer allows comparing/importing/exporting of IE security zones
1 938 posted 13 years ago by theonlyalterego
0 977 posted 13 years ago by athome
also requires an .htpasswd file to be created in a secure directory
0 861 posted 13 years ago by ropehead
Blocks bad bots, and image theft, allows visitors inside domains.
0 1010 posted 13 years ago by CKOink
Encode mailto links and (plain) email addresses on your site and hide them from spambots. Easy to use, plugin works directly when activated. Features * Protect all emails and mailto links * Check posts, widgets, comments and RSS feeds * Encode...
0 1146 posted 14 years ago by freelancephp
0 903 posted 14 years ago by neoandroid
0 871 posted 14 years ago by neoandroid
0 984 posted 14 years ago by neoandroid
0 970 posted 14 years ago by kendsnyder
If you want to run Google Chrome with additional program arguments under OSX, one way, is to use "open" and its --args argument. Use it to start Chrome with the --allow-file-access-from-files setting (or any other). Create a link to it to run i...
0 957 posted 14 years ago by nonlinearsound
The command you need to close the mysql port 3306 from external access. You need to use the 2 lines in the snippet below once you have connected to the server via SSH.
0 1066 posted 14 years ago by daipratt
Placing this in a .htaccess file in a sub folder you disable password security for this folder.
2 912 posted 14 years ago by arnekolja
1 882 posted 14 years ago by scholli
Substitute new_ placeholder in the second line with your new prefix. Run it: http://www.yoursite.com/rename.php and wait until it responds with an OK, usually after a couple of seconds. Delete the rename.php script. Edit the configuration.php file...
0 1006 posted 14 years ago by beneberle
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