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Everyone's Recent PHP Snippets

This code will demonstrate how to implement the email validation for form submission by using php. You can obtain a free account at https://www.mailboxvalidator.com/pay/9
0 1025 posted 6 years ago by Hexasoft
This tutorial will demonstrate how to implement the autocomplete search function by using php and ajax. You can obtain free IPV6 database at http://www.ip2location.com/free/ipv6
0 1035 posted 6 years ago by Hexasoft
It should work for domains like @something.co.uk note that regex will never really be able to match 100% of e-mail addresses without allowing some false positives
0 944 posted 6 years ago by plasticbottle
Add this snippet to theme's functions.php Add menu items that will have separator after them to $separatorsAfter array.
0 1622 posted 6 years ago by cusmin
Please add this code to functions.php This will add admin menu separators between all admin menu items.
0 735 posted 6 years ago by cusmin
Hide Cusmin plugin appearance from all other users, even administrators. Add this code to active themes's functions.php
0 761 posted 6 years ago by cusmin
Automatically redirect users to the checkout page once a product has been added to the cart. This code should go to your functions.php file.
0 1152 posted 6 years ago by catswhocode
BroadNet Technologies furnishes you with a variety of PHP Sample SMS code examples and programming objects, and assist you in connecting to our gateway via the PHP script. Sending your messages via our designed PHP SMS Sample Code is easier than you...
0 1051 posted 7 years ago by Broadnet
This code allows to calculate the full size of a directory using PHP.
0 1029 posted 7 years ago by apphp-snippets
This code allows to perform a query to WhoIs service in PHP.
0 951 posted 7 years ago by apphp-snippets
Set headers for file download
0 817 posted 7 years ago by macodev
Update multiple fields using #ajax in Drupal 7 form
0 927 posted 7 years ago by guruparthi
This example will CURL a forum and echo it's contents using SSL support.
0 748 posted 7 years ago by Davis34
How to use date pop-up calendar in custom drupal form
0 1101 posted 7 years ago by guruparthi
# Slick.php PHP full page cache with Cloudflare-style page rules. No DNS changes required, just upload the PHP file, configure and then include from your main application controller (e.g. index.php
0 1414 posted 7 years ago by mattnicholson
Typically when you use Security->requireSecure() to do https redirects, you have to make sure you do pass all data from http to https.
0 690 posted 7 years ago by Pidarasiya
How do you use the elastic-search plugin with cake's native pagination?
0 832 posted 7 years ago by Pidarasiya
This snippet adds credit card select box dropdown values 10 years in future from current year.
0 1139 posted 7 years ago by acosonic
General file upload script in php. Error set using SESSIONS.
0 1105 posted 8 years ago by aravindnair93
Code for downloading multiple files as Zip file
2 952 posted 8 years ago by aravindnair93
This is editing of code http://snipplr.com/view/36870/ because that use if which will slow performance this snippet use switch
1 1161 posted 8 years ago by ah72king
This is editing of code http://snipplr.com/view/36870/ because that use if which will slow performance this snippet use switch
1 1098 posted 8 years ago by ah72king
Too many revisions taking up space in your database? Use this script to find which posts have more than 10 - and then you can figure out what to do with them.
0 985 posted 8 years ago by JoshChris
A quick query example for a wordpress database query that gets posts ordered by distance via the custom fields `latitude` and `longitude`.
0 1219 posted 8 years ago by JoshChris
This example shows you how to create redirection o another directory. It may be useful, for example, when you have a project, placed in sub-directory.
0 943 posted 8 years ago by apphp-snippets
The code snippet below can be placed in any template file or anywhere after the Mage is initialized, and there has to be an order placed before.
1 964 posted 8 years ago by toannguyen
Put it in the columns array
0 779 posted 8 years ago by guimarca
First, for SignUp Model. Second, for signup view.
0 854 posted 8 years ago by guimarca
The 1stline in the function that generates the Foreign key relation in the model, 2nd is the name of the attribute in the gridview
0 869 posted 8 years ago by guimarca
In the model
0 775 posted 8 years ago by guimarca