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This snippet adds credit card select box dropdown values 10 years in future from current year.
0 1258 posted 8 years ago by acosonic
To select a US State from a form.
1 1122 posted 10 years ago by windmarble
Language dropdown list Dil seçim listesi
0 973 posted 10 years ago by Balamir
Use Z-Index to make navigation layer ABOVE other elements.
1 934 posted 11 years ago by xcsteve99
For some reason setting a default value for select elements does not work. This one line of jquery solves that problem. Assign a value (value="something") to the select tag that is to be the default value. With jquery get all select elements with a...
0 1464 posted 12 years ago by halk
Simple solution found via link. Just edit code from demo page(s). Also http://uniformjs.com/
0 969 posted 12 years ago by rumremix
This will take the screen width into account and display either a horizontal menu or a dropdown menu with a hover style. Resize your window to see the effect.
1 1038 posted 12 years ago by ryanfiorini
I hate manually entering in tons of numbers and tags for numbers, so I made a loop for it.
0 917 posted 12 years ago by JonnyCraze
Set a variable by getting the URLs id with PHP. Find the the option with the name value that is equal with the variable and add "selected" to it.
0 966 posted 12 years ago by LadyLoomis
This snippet gets the value of the selected dropdown
0 956 posted 12 years ago by jjmu15
A working HTML/CSS dropdown (flyout) menu.
0 977 posted 13 years ago by zvineyard
0 4633 posted 13 years ago by mecha
The option elements in the original select may provide an image and a second line of text by using a data-img and a data-info attribute.
7 1369 posted 13 years ago by peckham
Basic style to set up Joomla-format menu as horizontal menu with dropdowns.
0 852 posted 14 years ago by cviolette
jQuery to make Joomla-format menu dropdowns appear on hover. Change "#mainnav" to menu container selector.
1 838 posted 14 years ago by cviolette
Custom dropdown field, replace defaut dropdown style with custom design. This function does not replace the select field.
1 881 posted 14 years ago by touffies
container id: nav list class: dropdown-menu
2 923 posted 14 years ago by czterystaczwarty
example I used to create a auto suggest search from that pulls from a database. The example pulls from a single db table containing categories. Using jQueryUI made this pretty painless but by default the autocomplete feature uses GET variables and...
4 1012 posted 14 years ago by myke
So recently I was asked to change a navigation style of an existing site to drop-down menus. Simple, I thought, just use one of the many existing drop-down plugins. I tried many, but most seemed to use hardcoded styles and I had a few problems (so...
0 911 posted 14 years ago by dom111
So recently I was asked to change a navigation style of an existing site to drop-down menus. Simple, I thought, just use one of the many existing drop-down plugins. I tried many, but most seemed to use hardcoded styles and I had a few problems (so...
0 864 posted 14 years ago by dom111
1 1059 posted 14 years ago by jermeyz
requires that a pulldown \\\"program1\\\" in form \\\"freshmen\\\" be set to anything but the first value in the option list. \\r\\n\\r\\nrequires jquery validate: http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation
1 853 posted 14 years ago by dan_hoerr
Incredibly useful. Great when you need to remove and add options to selectboxes.
0 978 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
0 832 posted 14 years ago by artaries
Dropdown navigation is fairly inaccessible as it depends on hover events in 99.9% of cases. Tabbing through the navigation with the keyboard fails to reveal the dropdowns leaving those navigation items virtually inaccessible. Worse, each of the hidde...
0 1885 posted 14 years ago by chrisdpratt
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