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Jquery is awesome. Requires jquery!
4 673 posted 16 years ago by lagrangeapex
max/min-width & max/min-height pour IE
2 745 posted 16 years ago by dhjapan
Style quotations similar to those used on Slashdot.org.
4 731 posted 16 years ago by neal_grosskopf
A better more accessible method to make buttons appear to be disabled upon click via css (with no javascript) Doesn't work in IE but does in other browsers.
3 937 posted 16 years ago by neal_grosskopf
Change the color and background color of selected text using only css. Compatible with Firefox and Safari, but not Internet Explorer
4 1049 posted 16 years ago by neal_grosskopf
Style external, email, and pdf links using css3 attribute selectors.
11 929 posted 16 years ago by neal_grosskopf
Si miramos al horizonte empieza a deslumbrar el futuro del CSS, con la salida de CSS3 la vida de los diseñadores web va a mejorar considerablemente y no es para menos, por que con las mejoras que se están acercando ¿quien no se aprovechará de ell...
4 772 posted 16 years ago by j_junyent
3 705 posted 16 years ago by sou
1 598 posted 16 years ago by danideu
1 562 posted 16 years ago by penguin999
The selector portion of the CSS rule targets which XHTML tags/classes this rule will be applied to. At first glance, it looks like all img tags as well as all tags with a class of "png". You’ll notice the * html in front of both of these. Wait, the...
15 2758 posted 16 years ago by jonhenshaw
Writing expressions in CSS, used to make decisions at run-time.
2 809 posted 16 years ago by jitendramr
Sitepoint have this useless but cool feature if you hold down the middle click to autoscroll the page - they have replaced the image that indicates scrolling
1 624 posted 16 years ago by natalie
work from content pages or submaster pages
0 1018 posted 16 years ago by cori
some foundation styles used in every sheet (work in progress)
1 531 posted 16 years ago by marcoba
JS Fix for IE6 background image flickering on mouseover's
2 913 posted 17 years ago by brentg
Removes the core, and node styles from the $style variable. You most morbably already defined _phptemplate_variables($hook, $vars), in that case just add the two lines there. _sympal_theme.. is the name of the theme where we use this.
3 840 posted 17 years ago by berkes
3 757 posted 17 years ago by tonluong
For creating forms without using tables, just CSS.
2 986 posted 17 years ago by andyhartleeds
0 669 posted 17 years ago by wintondeshong
an HTML template for form CSS styling
11 1313 posted 17 years ago by maid450
0 740 posted 17 years ago by wintondeshong
The escape_javascript funtion is taken from Rails (http://rails.rubyonrails.com/classes/ActionView/Helpers/JavaScriptHelper.html#M000633). Most of the work on this was done by pnomolos and n00ge on the E Text Editor forums.
1 789 posted 17 years ago by charlesroper
displays sourcecode in a nice notebox on blog pages. uses with a class.
0 745 posted 17 years ago by zingo
Put classes around your bodyy, to allow different colors for seperate pages and areas on your site. IT will simply add a css-safe version of the first argument in an url. Say the url is /about_us/our_company the class will be body.about-us Require...
2 742 posted 17 years ago by berkes
3 870 posted 17 years ago by m10
based loosely on Eric Meyers sheet but then tweaked to my own.
2 628 posted 17 years ago by smynett
10 859 posted 17 years ago by salsajid
Style form fields
1 828 posted 17 years ago by valcartei