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OpenCV Laplacian and Sobel Filters Implementation
0 1093 posted 9 years ago by RicardoVarzim
Really, this is part of a set of classes that is stored in a Git repository and under MIT license. The function I'll expose is Circunscription::distributeSeats().
0 991 posted 9 years ago by garciacarmonaam
Do you know how to convert uint32_t in little endian to file like char array? I have a variable sumGlobalContentSum (in hex). Than i write in file dstFile. Value of sumGlobalContentSum is realy d1 when I write it out like cout << hex ... But when I w...
0 1263 posted 9 years ago by Lukynn
template factory in modern c++ design
0 1120 posted 10 years ago by dongwonkwak
remove all control characters in string
0 1507 posted 10 years ago by dongwonkwak
An C++ header using templates. Array implementation of binary tree.
0 1047 posted 10 years ago by elvis_popovic
Glavni program koji služi za izvedbu binarnoga stabla te rad sa funkcijama binarnoga stabla.
0 919 posted 10 years ago by ivan_uzarevic
Zaglavlje sa funkcijama, izvedenih pomoću pokazivača, za rad sa binarnim stablom
0 866 posted 10 years ago by ivan_uzarevic
Zaglavlje sa funkcijama, izvedenih pomoću polja, za rad sa binarnim stablom
0 972 posted 10 years ago by ivan_uzarevic
Implementacija općenitog stabla prvo dijete - sljedeći brat pomoću polja
0 830 posted 10 years ago by mateocindric
Program za izvođenje općenitog stabla (prvo dijete - sljedeći brat) za 4. zadatak iz kolegija Strukture podataka
0 1055 posted 10 years ago by ivan_uzarevic
Hey Guys, This is a short and straightforward article (or let’s say „tip” or „mini-review”) that presents how to send SMS messages from your own C++ (Cpp / C plus plus) application through HTTP. You will see, it is gonna be really easy....
0 2195 posted 10 years ago by Gupta86
Initializing an array in C++
0 1175 posted 10 years ago by lpiaitdepok
If you are using c++/cli or UnmanagedExports, this is a useful way to share enum int values between c++ and c# code/DLLs without worrying about duplicated code going out of date.
0 1423 posted 10 years ago by xXxPizzaBreakfastxXx
Swap strings in C++
0 864 posted 11 years ago by Sadeveloper
The Bankers Algorithm Implementation using the process scheduling and UNIX pipes usage
0 964 posted 11 years ago by naveenrn
http://sortwithprimes.webs.com/ Deeper description on how it works.
0 932 posted 11 years ago by Henkish_92
This piece of code is aimed to encrypt passwords, but this time it won't return a single character array, but a constantly-changing matrix which contains the password.
0 869 posted 11 years ago by eiger824
This is the second and last part of the encryption algorithm that I uploaded last week. It's the other-way-round program: it decrypts a password typed by user.
0 1103 posted 12 years ago by eiger824
A C++ algorithm which encrypts an alphanumeric password, asking the user to choose the encryption level.
0 6040 posted 12 years ago by eiger824
Really DP-lite. Memoize the solution for a recursive problem so it can be looked up on subsequent iterations.
0 1850 posted 12 years ago by rtperson
pripadajuca biblioteka za implementaciju ATP liste preko pokazivaca
0 726 posted 12 years ago by Lovro_P
Biblioteka koju sam koristio za riješenje 1. zadatka iz kolegija strukture podataka
0 667 posted 12 years ago by Bozidar
Implementacija liste pomocu polja
0 726 posted 12 years ago by marcelic
zadatak za SP
0 810 posted 12 years ago by mhudince
zadatak za Sp
0 750 posted 12 years ago by mhudince
zadatak 1 za SP
0 766 posted 12 years ago by mhudince
An example showing how to solve the memory leak problem in constructor
0 723 posted 13 years ago by huanglx
Rad liječničke ordinacije
0 666 posted 13 years ago by mavukusic9
Simulacija reda u liječničkoj ordinaciji - red_pokazivaci.h
0 601 posted 13 years ago by kdomic
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