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List only certain files in a folder with PHP Lists only certain files extensions as links on a page from a defined folder
0 1335 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
FAQ Page extension allows you to create separate page with common questions, categorize them, add popular questions, use magento shortcodes in questions text. Customers get nice page with answers for all common questions
0 1049 posted 10 years ago by steelgray9
Facebook Comment is a free Magento Extension which allows customers’ comments on your site and products’ information to be posted to customers’ Facebook Walls <p>_ Leave comments in product pages</p> <p>_ A pop-up allows directly logging-in w...
0 1060 posted 10 years ago by magestore
Product Instant Search is a free Magento search extension that enables automatically searching right after typing a character and shows the first search result with an “add to cart” form. <p>_ Show other search results in product’s thumbnail i...
0 1051 posted 10 years ago by magestore
Magento Geo location store extension is developed by FME for Magento Store. This module allows you automatically redirect your customers to per-defined store set by admin. This can help you in increasing sales as you can show specific products to Geo...
0 976 posted 10 years ago by kates59
Improved Layered Navigation by Amasty is a premium 5-year-old Magento extension, to which you can entrust your navigation. It includes 7 mods: Seo layered navigation Shop by brands Ajax Layered Navigation Layered navigation filt...
0 1039 posted 10 years ago by Amasty
Amasty developed AJAX Scroll extension to make catalog navigation much faster and easier.
0 1058 posted 10 years ago by Amasty
XmlDocument will not behave when you try to CreateCDataSection passing it a string that contains "]]>" This extension method returns an array of XmlCDataSection, each of which will contain the parts separated by "]]" and ">". Example: For the s...
0 1127 posted 11 years ago by thedark
*Example:* if (!isRewriteMod()) exit('Please install Apache mod_rewrite module.');
0 909 posted 11 years ago by phpdev
Magento Google maps extension allows visitors to track the nearest physical store and get the directions online. It is a useful extension for e-merchants having multiple stores on different locations. The customers can also search for the store by t...
0 958 posted 11 years ago by simonwalker
This extension allows Magento based store owners to give their visitors an advance feature of creating gift registry for their upcoming wedding, engagement or birthday party. The registry creator can share the link of the wish-list on its social netw...
0 873 posted 11 years ago by simonwalker
This extension has been developed by Fme for Magento store owners. This extension enables store owners to post FAQ in separate page as well as under each product page. The customers can post questions, rate, like or comment on existing questions. The...
0 996 posted 11 years ago by simonwalker
The module allows prestashop store owners to place Facebook comment box under each product / post page where users can post comments using their Facebook ID and this helps in reducing number of spam comments.
0 2936 posted 11 years ago by fmemodules
This code allows to pass filename in the $file_name variable and function will return file extension only.
0 972 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
Code to verify is PDO extension is installed.
0 1830 posted 12 years ago by avenirer
Also extended C# LINQ and Extension method (simple) to include the last (MAX) Date Created property, added a new Folder class (model) with properties and included them in a List<Folder>. Also, amended the LINQ statement to get the MAX(Date Created) .
0 822 posted 12 years ago by ed_trench
Get file extension from it's name or complete path
2 1046 posted 12 years ago by fawazcb
Because there is no way to use object extenders in vb.net here is an example of how you can get similar functionality. See the C# example for further info.
0 1114 posted 13 years ago by bryanlyman
Code snippet that allows developers to use a generic radiobuttonlist in the MVC Framework
0 726 posted 13 years ago by sommertim
Code snippet that allows developers to use a generic radiobuttonlist in the MVC Framework
0 720 posted 13 years ago by sommertim
0 917 posted 13 years ago by antti
Embedding Google’s +1 button is pretty easy and straightforward. All it takes is to include 2 code snippets in your web page. One goes in the header of the page, and the other one goes to wherever where you want the +1 button to render. To do so al...
0 844 posted 13 years ago by necode
Ever wanted a method that can truncate a string, but only on a word boundary? This method works like Substring() but doesn't snip a string in the middle of a word, i.e. it only truncates the string on a word boundary. Useful for producing a summary f...
1 1471 posted 13 years ago by stewartrae
.net 3.0+, To create stability in your code, you must check all inputs into a method to make sure they are valid . Often people overlook this step because of laziness, or because they aren't convinced that exceptions and assertions are actually in pl...
0 938 posted 13 years ago by bryanlyman
0 772 posted 13 years ago by soup
1 812 posted 13 years ago by Envo
A flexible way to get the file name without the extension
0 1324 posted 13 years ago by donkeykong
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