
Member since 10/07/2010

Name: Leanne Romak

Location: Bowen Island, BC, Canada


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Instructions: WordPress menus and sidebars/widgets are really powerful modules, but unfortunately it requires Admin user role to edit them. If you would like to allow users with Editor user role to edit any of the widgets or menus, just paste t...
2 776 posted 10 years ago by lromak
To be used in WordPress template. List full taxonomy, or only custom post type associated with the post. Examples include a linking or non linking list.
2 684 posted 10 years ago by lromak
Removes $ from HTML form post, allows only number and decimal points. Has $ display in field but disappear when onfocus.
1 822 posted 11 years ago by lromak
2 740 posted 13 years ago by lromak
Edit widget or display current category in sidebar.php
1 719 posted 13 years ago by lromak
Change to line in page template file to call a different sidebar.
0 670 posted 13 years ago by lromak
0 520 posted 13 years ago by lromak
First, create an image that fits the allocated space. As of WordPress 2.8, the logo is a 30 pixels wide and 31 pixels tall transparent GIF. When using a transparent GIF or 8-bit PNG, ensure that the image matte matches the header background color: he...
3 1471 posted 13 years ago by lromak
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