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only handles one sublevel for the menu
0 1094 posted 13 years ago by brandonjp
1 654 posted 13 years ago by silentpro
0 536 posted 13 years ago by silentpro
Per creare una nuova funzione completa di un gestore errori.
1 504 posted 13 years ago by Ideandro
Advance Mail function using PHP Mailer Class
1 735 posted 13 years ago by erraja_07
0 666 posted 13 years ago by roflman79
not an answer for everything, but perhaps for basic types
0 448 posted 13 years ago by Geronimrod
0 437 posted 13 years ago by PubliOne
toggle function for showing/hiding LI elements that slide up/down into the UL title box
0 534 posted 13 years ago by mckewans
0 750 posted 13 years ago by pickyj
5 1124 posted 13 years ago by pickyj
This takes a date like so: Sat, 08 Jan 2011 from a database and allows you to use it in your code. For example if you wanted to work out a week from Sat, 08 Jan 2011 it can be done with ease. I created this for a project i am currently working on. Th...
0 609 posted 13 years ago by JonnySnip3r
A little function used to set cookies as arrays of values instead of single combinations key->value. Note that it saves values as a stack.
1 625 posted 13 years ago by claudiowebdesign
0 499 posted 13 years ago by CyKy
Simply run the function when the document has loaded and specify setDefault to true.
0 645 posted 13 years ago by digitalclubb
This extends jQuery.is() so now you can use if ($(element).is())
0 610 posted 13 years ago by digitalclubb
Great way to check if a node exists before running a piece of code.
2 772 posted 13 years ago by digitalclubb
Ever got tired of writing System.out.print(); all the time when testing, well, to avoid this, just create a helper method that will narrow it down to print();
0 673 posted 13 years ago by visudex
Short and sweet, add the following two lines where you want to trigger a javascript function. Just change the javascript denoted in the code by "javascriptFunction()" with whatever you want to call. Also jsut in case make sure you have the allowScrip...
1 723 posted 13 years ago by StevenW721
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type __AS3__.vec:Vector.<com.Gallery:VOItem> to an unrelated type __AS3__.vec:Vector.
0 580 posted 13 years ago by alptugan
Im pretty new to oop php i have tried to create a php search function but im sure this needs alot of improvement. So add on :D
0 477 posted 13 years ago by JonnySnip3r
I wrote this little bit of code myself so if you see where you can improve on it, let me know. This is great for making complex menu's and also for making sure your POST data gets saved and reselected when the screen refreshes. I use it in all my pro...
0 978 posted 13 years ago by geilt
Youtube ID simple extractor
1 667 posted 13 years ago by jhonqwerty